I feel like I have been distant from my friends lately. I don't know if its because I have been working and have been tired or what. My week this week was a very long, and I repeat a LONG week. I have been having some lower pains and it has been difficult for me and also my boss has been going crazy. She is finally being able to move into her home and she has just been going mad about it. Also, everyone is sick up at the school with bronchitis and everyone has been tired and moody. Its sad when the kids want to take naps. I have felt like crap too. Mark thinks I'm coming down with something and also I have been worried about him and his test results. I feel like I haven't even seen my grandpa this week, cause I come home and go straight to my room. I have had a headache every single day and has taken a nap every day. I am hoping that this next week is better.
Friday was an alright day. I got up when the Dr called and after I found that out, I got ready for my massage. Mark bought me a massage for Christmas and I have had some knots and also my headaches and thought it was time for me to get mine done. So I went and I had a different lady...I had the owner and she is just awesome. Ive known her since junior in high school. She was like....we didn't even get anywhere other than your neck and shoulders....she knew it was bad. She had to put some bio-freeze on me so I wouldn't be so sore and I was sore!!!! But I feel alot better. Then after that, it was so pretty outside and it was just me, I went out and visited my moms grave. I hadn't been out there in awhile and I really needed to talk to her and visit her. I know shes not there spiritually, but mentally its good to think shes there and spend some time alone, thinking. Our cemetery is out on the skirts of town and where my mom is buried, is on a small hill with an open field in the back, and its so pretty. We have a bench and I sit out there and watch everything and look and the glorious clouds. Maybe one day I can take a picture and you can see my view.
Then today, I was sick all day. I couldn't even get out of bed, I was hurting. For once I didn't want to go to the Dr. (thank you Zoloft) and I endured the pain. I feel alot better now, thank you Jesus!!! I spent some much needed time with my wonderful husband. We are planning a trip here in a few weeks, and I'm so excited!!! I want to do so much and plan so much!! I love road trips.
I cant believe that this month is almost over. But its okay....because there is so much exciting things coming up. I'm going to be super busy.
I'm sorry to all my friends for not talking alot. I have been feeling down and getting sick and I'm hoping I will feel better soon!!! love you all
This might seem really out there, but I have to tell you something. For the past week, I have noticed my boobs getting bigger. I was looking at them and was thinking....hhmmm...they seem bigger. Then, the next day, Mark looked at them and said, "they look like they have gotten bigger". I think its just weird. I dont know what to do with them, lol. Its crazy!!!
But you know something I have been thinking about. You know the show, "I didnt know I was pregnant"? I was thinking....what if that was my case. I know I have my periods, but then I think, well, my boobs are getting bigger, and I have been craving this weird stuff and Im moody and tired all the time. I know Im not pregnant, but it has crossed my mind. I guess I should stop watching so much TV. And for some reason if I did wake up or all of a sudden have pain like contractions, I would probabaly think I was dieing!!! lol. BUT also the good thing would be, I had been taking my vitamins. All those women didnt have any prenatal care when they were pregnant, and I would have. I still take my meds everyday.
Lately, and I ADMIT!!! I'm guilty!!! This week has been horrible for me. I think we went out and ate or gotten something to eat, every single day this week. That is horrible....we don't have the money for it and we don't need to be eating like that. And now.....I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!! I mean, I really do. Mark hooked up the PlayStation in the nursery and I'm going to start doing my biggest loser exercise DVD that I bought at Sam's this week. Its like a 6 week challenge and that's what I need. I always think when you start a diet its forever and everything that you are used to is thrown out the window. I know its a life change, but I know if I just get more active and keep stretching and moving around more, then I will feel better. I love to eat healthy things, but sometimes I crave the bad, greasy foods, and for some reason that was everyday this week. Its just horrible!!! But yep.....I'm going to "try" and see how I do and try and keep it up.
Another thing, this week, I have been MOODY. I mean far out moody. I get mad on the drop of a dime and yell. And little things just get to me. I have snapped at Mark so bad last night, when he was trying to sleep. I felt bad....and also that day at work was horrible, and it keeps bothering me. I have to see this man, and this woman and I don't know what I want to do. Set it straight and stand up for myself, or just lay it be. I know the time will come and I will do whatever I feel is necessary, but I hope they don't pick a day I'm grouchy. I don't like being grouchy. I'm thinking I feel this way because of the way I have been eating lately. I know it can have an impact on it. But I'm tired of it, and I want to be healthier and feel better, instead of a slob!!!
We took Marks stuff to the laboratory....so hopefully soon we can see if there is anything wrong or if there is something wrong with me. Maybe theres not anything wrong with any of us, but I just don't want time to go by and there was something wrong and we just wasted all this time. I know I can get pregnant, but anything could of happened between then and now.Maybe Marks high blood pressure and stress from his job is causing some problems, or like I said, maybe its nothing at all. Marks Dr called and he has to get his MRI next Thursday. We are praying for healing and good health and that there isn't anything wrong with him. Please pray for him too.
I would love more than ever, to get pregnant this month. I would love to have an October baby, next to me, and another Libra. (Marks family are all Libras) I would love to maybe have a 10-10-10 baby, that would be neat. But in the end, its all up to God and what he wants and when he thinks we are ready for a baby. I want to be able to have a baby normal and naturally, without having to take pills or to do IVF's or anything like that. I would love to see my BFP just from natural intercourse. I can tell my pills are working and I really don't stress like I used too. I know my body is used to all the stress that I was under and I know my body isn't just going to snap back into place. Its been 3 or 4 months and so I'm hoping I'm relaxing enough for my body to accept the sperm.
For Christmas Mark got me a massage, so I'm thinking around my ovulation time, of using it, so my body really relaxes. You know, massages can cause early periods to start because of how deep relaxed your body gets. Who knows.....I'm going to try anything at this point.
This week has seemed to drag to me. My sleeping is so off that it is wearing me out. So on top of being tired and sleepy, my day was horrible. I got up early and got to work early. In fact, I was the first one in the building today. Then at 8:25 one of the teachers husbands calls and bitches at ME, for HER tax problems. Yes, I write the checks, but we gave all the teachers a choice if they wanted any extra withholding out of their paychecks each week. Well she decided not too and now they are going to have to pay money when they file. Well where do I come in and its my fault or problem? I take an extra $14.00 out each week, so I can get money back at the end of the year or just so I wont have to pay. I was heated today when he called. First, I don't even like this man. He is an old man who is grumpy and who thinks he knows everything and tries to tell me how it is. I don't think so.....I don't care who you are or how old you are, you DON'T know everything.
I called my boss and told her what he did. She knows I don't like him. I wont have anything to do with him, but I do treat him nice when I'm around him, just so there wont be any drama. Oh and he hung up on me. All he kept telling me was that he didn't want his wife's pay to change, since the Obama changed back in April. Well, I didn't change it then, but when the new school year started, we got a new pay amount and we asked ALL staff, what they would want to do. I went home and talked it over with Mark and we both decided to take out the extra and she came back and said, NO, don't take out anything. Well....there you go. None of the staff took anything extra out and now that its time to file, they want to change it. BUT COME ON!!!! WE WENT OVER THIS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!!! WE HAD THIS WHOLE CONVERSATION ABOUT IT!!! You know they are pocketing an extra $56.00 a month then me, and now they are complaining cause their going to have to pay. ARE THEY IDIOTS? I mean I don't understand....
But how dare he, call ME up on the phone and BITCH at me. I don't like that at all. AND THEN....his wife goes....Did my husband call you? because I told him to be nice when he called. WHAT???? excuse me??? I just wanted to slap her.....I'm thinking....ITS YOUR FAULT!!!! You and your husband need to deal with this. NOT ME!!! GGGGGRRRRRRRR
I have been pissed all day. I DO NOT like to be yelled at and hung up on because of something THEY did. I have no control over her choices, and they better be lucky I'm in a good mood Monday. I'm not even kidding....this is some BS right here.
AND for some reason at PE time today, the kids decided NOT to listen to me....so we went inside and they worked....
AND then I come home cause the plumber was here today and its still leaking.......SO they will come back tomorrow!!!
I hope tomorrow is better!!!!