Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How Awesome is God???

SUPER DUPER AWESOME!!!!!  A couple of days ago, my car started to act up and I realize my AC in my house was blowing out cool/warm air, not cold air.  I didn't know what I was going to do.  I, of course think of the worse......transmission is going out and AC is going out.....what am I going to do? 

I prayed....I really didn't know what I was going to do, but knew that somehow, someway the Lord was going to make a way.  I even thought....well the Lord doesn't promise us a car or air condition....I would survive!!! 

I went to a Christian event Friday night in Dallas and even during it, just stressed at what was wrong with it and what I was going to do in the morning going to work.  The next morning I didn't make it to work.  I did end up finding out some of the hoses was connected right and my ex took care of me and looked over my car for me......blessing!!!

So I called Tuesday about the air, because at this point its warming up and I cant push it till its unbearable and I got a quote and didn't know what I was going to do.  I knew I could scrounge up the money somehow, but I really didn't want too and was afraid it was going to wipe me out good.  I waited until my friends dad came over and tonight he looked at it.  I know this might sound silly and this even happened before, but a switch was turned off.  Somehow when he was putting up my cords in my backyard, he thought the off switch was to the garage electricity and it was to the air conditioner.  So for about an hour and him taking off and cleaning the outside unit (which needed to be done) he comes in and starts looking at the inside.  He asked, where is the on, off button.  LIGHT BULB GOES OFF!!!! I get up from the table and start walking outside and he follows me and I open to box where the switch is and its off!!!!  I turn it on and you can hear the fans going and I was so grateful.  Last time this happened....I paid $55.00 for a man to come do the switch, lol.  Its blowing out cool air.  

I wanted to cry!!!  I just was so grateful and thankful it was nothing huge and serious.  I still am just sitting here, thankful and thanking God that I have air and didn't have to drain my accounts to get it fixed.  I am so glad it was something small and silly. 

God is good to me!!! I cant complain.  I'm not worthy of His blessings, but I want to shout it from a roof top!!  I want Him to get all the Praise and attention!!!  :)  

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