Monday, June 28, 2010

It is a....

POSITIVE!!! Trust me, I was shocked and overwhelmed and I didn't want to get my hopes up. This is what happened.

I started AF on May 25th. We called the Dr and asked him if we could up the dose to 100mg and he said yes since the 50mg wasn't working. We BD like we were supposed to for the first time because of our work schedules wasn't letting us and I'm off for the summer. If this didn't work, we really didn't know what we were going to do. I O'ed and it was a strange one, because I didn't have the normal pains like I normally do. I had some minor pains on a day after I was supposed to, so we BD an extra day in a row. I had been doing Zumba, because I wanted to concentrate on myself some more this summer and to lose 50 pounds. I wanted to lose weight for me, but I also heard that losing weight can up your chances on getting pregnant. I also was thinking....I keep asking God for a baby, but maybe hes waiting on me to do something about my health. So I did Zumba almost everyday until I O'ed, then for some reason I was extremely tired and had no desire to do anything. I kept saying Ill do it the next week, but it never happened. Looking back now, I think God had me rest and relax those days so my body could do what it needed to do.

I tested on 11DPO and it was a negative. So we started to make plans for the next month. I wasn't going to take clomid, because I read that clomid after awhile can make your uterus lining to thin. So I was going to let my body get back to normal to see what happens. My AF was due on Monday and I just thought that it didn't come cause I was stressing about it coming and our trip and leaving my g-pa for so long. I just knew I was going to be on AF this whole vacation and thought I was going to be miserable. So I woke up Tuesday and I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I knew that I was going to see AF. I didn't....I was like GREAT!!! I went back to bed and I woke up again, going through the same thing. I decided to test, because I remember some women off of cafemom tell me that 11 dpo can be to early, but I'm always used to seeing the BFN. I tested Tuesday and I didn't see a line, so I threw up on the shelf and went to the living room where Mark was. I was telling him how mad I was, cause AF hasn't came and I got a BFN....and then I told him about my dream I had that night. I dreamed that I had a baby girl, and I was in the hospital and I was just loving on her and kissing her and I loved her so much and she was beautiful. I thought it was unfair that I had this dream, I didn't have AF and I got a BFN.

So Mark went to our room and I grabbed the test and looked at it, cause I was going to show him, and there was a faint line. I went and asked him if he sees another line and he said yes. So I'm like....that has to be an evap line. I went and took an OPK test and in 2 minutes, there was a faint line too. I didn't want to get my hopes up, I was so confused and I didn't understand. It felt like AF was really on her way and she was going to show up anytime. I had this pressure and cramps and it really felt like AF. I had been really emotional the past 2 weeks and I was just bawling at this moment. I really didn't understand. I took a test that Saturday and was praying for a BFP, cause I thought that would be an amazing Fathers Day gift, and I didn't get it. I told him on Fathers Day, I'm not pregnant, and he was bummed. To find out 2 days later we were expecting. I had all these plans of how I wanted to show and tell him, and I didn't get that. But I'm not complaining. He was here with me and got to experience it all with me. I love this baby so much already.

God has taken this desire away to want a baby. I now have the desire for THIS baby. I go tomorrow to the Dr to get my lab work done. I don't know why God chosen this time, but I'm not complaining. We have been praying for his time, but I have been begging lately for his time to be near. We arnt telling everyone and since alot of people don't read this, I'm hoping it wont get out to much. In case anything was to happen, its hard to tell people that, when they are so excited for you. Trust me...I want to shout it out and tell everyone. Me and Mark are claiming this baby in Jesus name, and we pray all the time for this baby to be healthy and we already told God we are raising this baby to glorify Him. My due date is March 1st, 2011. I am hoping that we will have a Valentines baby, but whenever and whatever will be fine with us. Please say a prayer for us to have peace and health during these months to come. We are so excited and ready to be parents. We know God has chosen this time in our lives to bless us with a baby and we are so grateful. We have waited 2 long years, and right now I couldn't be happier.

I just tested and took this....its darker!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lance and I are so happy for you and Mark, I know you've waited so long...I love you!
