Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gun control

So for some reason last night, I didn't sleep at all.  I laid there for 5 hours in the dark like I was sleeping and never actually went to sleep.  I have no idea why, but here I am, ready for work earlier than normal for some reason. I wanted to write some things that have been on my mind and I have been researching lately on gun control.

So lets begin.....

My thoughts on the research I have looked up and have known alot of my life, are this.  The government is wanting to take our guns for control and power.  I grew up with the knowledge that one day our country would take away all of ammunition and therefore would be taking our rights away, the 2nd amendment.  To be honest, my mom talked to me alot about the end of times when I was child.  I remember when  I was a pre-teen, she told me if one day, they ask her to either kill me or her to take the "mark of the beast" (which we know wont be called that in government terms) that she will let them kill me.  I know it might sound harsh and weird to the average Joe who might not know the book of Revelation very well, but I know she was preparing me for it.  I am actually thankful for all the end of times movie my mom collected over the years.  I was scared as a child to watch them and scares me now to a point, but I just feel like God has placed it on my heart to see the signs that are leading to the end of times. 

I was also raised that the rapture and all the believers will ascend up to heaven before it gets bad.  After reading the Bible myself and studying it, I don't believe that at all.  No where in the Bible does it say that we wont have to go through that.  I'm not God of course and I don't know when the rapture will be, but I know we will have to face certain things that I know me personally, don't want too in my life time.

I feel like with me studying over the past few weeks, I feel like we are so close to things starting to coming together. The gun control for instance to me is a key factor.  Now I'm not saying these events arnt 100% true, but I believe the Colorado theatre shooting, the Sandy Hook shooting, the Waco shooting and Christopher Dorner, were somewhat plotted by government officials.  I have done research on almost all of them and their are alot of things that don't make sense.  Now your probably reading this and starting to look at me a little crazy.  My advice to NEVER believe the news 100%.  The news is going to put out certain things and will turn it around and make it sound how they want it too.  I'm not talking about your local news, I'm talking about worldwide news.  The government is a shady operation.  At the end of the day, they want power, control, and want everyone to follow what they believe and want. 

If you read the Bible and know alot about the end of times, then this should be making sense to you.  We know how its going to end, we know that we will become one nation (New World Order) and follow one religion and will have all of our rights taken away and the anti-Christ will rise up and people will follow him and he will look all good and mighty and even do miracles and good works.  Famous people, leaders, religious leaders will say he is the Messiah and he is God and will convince people that its true.  We also know that the Mark of the beast (hand or forehead) will come and you cant buy groceries, gas, food or anything without it and at some point if you don't get it, you will be killed.  So if you know these facts, then why would you or could you know believe that the government is orchestrating this right now?  That maybe they are getting ready for it or starting the affect for everything to happen???  It has to start somewhere and the sad part is, is that its been starting, there are just tons of things we haven't even seen yet or heard yet, BUT, there is information out there about if you look hard enough.

I personally think the whole gun control and Obama "health" has started for it to go in affect.  I know I have researched where they would really like to start putting a "device" into babies when they are born to track them.  Of course they are going to make it sound like its doing the baby good or in case something happens to your baby you will know.....but that's what they are going to do.  They are going to come out and make it sound like this awesome thing and then they are going to get demanding about it and then they are going to be like it, its either this or your life.  See how slowly they take your freedom away???  They are trying to make it where taking guns away is a good thing......uh nope!!!! Their taking your freedom away.  This is what happens in other countries, when governments or high authorities come in and take your stuff or kill you for whatever reason and you don't have a right to defend yourself.  I know most everyone I know is for gun rights and it should be that way.

Sometimes I wonder why God has put me into this learning mode about government and how its ran.  No its not the Illuminati, this is actual news and documents that I read and alot of conspiracy theorists out there that do break things down and question things. 

All I know, is that I don't want to be the one doubting things when sh*t hits the fan or questioning if that is really the mark of the beast or whatever comes our way.  I know alot of Christians are scared to face reality and that the end of times will happen or they don't want the see the signs, but a little research wont hurt to show you what is to come.  I know sometimes I have to make myself walk away and focus on God and what He has for me, because to me, learning this stuff is intriguing.  I feel like Ive been in the dark for so long and the lights came on with me.  I can see alot of people still in the dark and they don't even care, which if they are a believer kinda worries me. 

My question leaving this post is this.....

I understand that some Christians or even non-Christians really don't care or worry about this "right now" anyways kind of a thing, but what if your job or something you do or something you support was for all the evil stuff???  What if you knew that the shows you watch or the music you listen too or the money you spend on was actually doing you harm in the proceeds than what you think?  What doesn't know don't hurt you right????  You have to have to stand before God for things, and if you know wrong, then why not fix it?  God gave us all brains, gave us an ability to learn and to grow and to study his word.  If you don't know the Bible, and what it says, then I recommend you starting there first.  Its just 1 book in the Bible and I do believe some other parts of the end of times are elsewhere in the New Testament if you want to look those up that all tie in together, but just understand what is happening in this country now, will affect you in the end and if you know, you can watch.  The Bible says, to watch and wait on the Lord and His return. 

Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

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