Tuesday, May 4, 2010

People who steal?

The eighth commandment in the bible is ,"Thou Shalt Not Steal." So why do people do it??? That, and lieing is my pet-peeve. I know we are not perfect and we do things that are wrong and sinful, but these things really crawl under my skin. I found out today that a couple of kids from the school I work at, got busted from our local mall, stealing. They are now banned from our mall and banned from the store world-wide. One kid really was remorseful, the other acted like it was nothing. I can see how the one that was remorseful felt bad and learned her lesson, but I am worried about the other girl.

I stole one time. I was 6, my mom and I was at a convenient store and there was one of those sour salt packages, that was green and they were either 5 cents or 10 cents, and I asked my mom if I could get one, and she said no. Well she turned her back to leave and I took one. We got in the car and she asked me where I got it, and I told her he gave it to me. She asked me if I was lieing and asked me to tell her the truth. I told her I wasn't lieing, and she told me, "well, ok...but God will tell me if your lieing or not". I felt so bad and guilty that I gave it to my dog, lol. The next morning I woke up with this white bump on my tongue, and then she asked me if I lied, and I said, I did, and she said, well those are lieing bumps. Let me tell you.....I thought that to this day, that those bumps were lieng bumps, lol well actually a few years ago, when I asked someone, and they were like, NO, lol. But when I get one, I always try and think if I fibbed about something. I really try my hardest to not lie or bend the truth about ANYTHING. I have hurt peoples feelings because I'm dead honest. I don't like that about myself, but its true!!

I think I take things personal, maybe to heart, like if someone says....Oh, I'm never going to do ________, and they change their mind and do it....I'm like...but you said you wernt ever going to do it?! I know people have a right to change their opinion, but still. I don't know why it bothers me so much. I guess I try and figure people out and then they change their mind, I have to revamp everything. Maybe I just think to much, lol.

Also, about stealing.....I have this co-worker....lets say you go to a restaurant and they did your receipt wrong, they didn't charge you for your drink. She would tell me not to say anything, and to just pay it. Well, NO ONE is perfect and I know people make mistakes, but I need to tell her, because THAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. I always think what God would think of me. I know the right thing and I know God will bless me for being honest and truthful. But this is the same woman, who, I cant say "crap" in front of, cause its a "bad" word. WHAT?? I told her, "Now I CAN say the other word, if you want me too?", lol. I like to piss her off sometimes....lol...I find it humorous, just because shes far out there. I don't know how one can be one way, and then the other. I guess that just shows how we are all different and God is working in us different things and different lessons and different ways. I know I'm not perfect in any way. I have my flaws and my imperfections that I'm still working on.

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