Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My birthday

Was yesterday!!!! I had a good time. I am now the big 2-5....a whole quarter. I feel like I cant enjoy getting older, because each year that goes by means I'm going to be that much older as a mommy. I know if we had a baby, it wouldn't bother me as much. But that's not my case, so I did enjoy it as much as I could.

We started off waking up and heading to get a spa pedicure. My hubby was going to go do it with me, and it was so funny to watch him. He actually liked it and wanted to buy one of the massage chairs, lol. I loved seeing him do stuff for the first time. It made me think of when we have a child, I will be able to see them learn new things and try new things, through their eyes, and it will be amazing. Then we went home and headed to Oklahoma. We went to this hole in the wall restaurant and then too The Holy City. Mark likes old timey, history stuff, so I knew he would find it interesting. It wasn't as much fun as I remembered, but then again, when your younger, things are more cooler, lol. So then, we drove home, and my and my grandpa, basically fell asleep, lol. We get home, and I talk to my cousin for an hour or so, which was good, cause I haven't talked to her in ages. But we basically just chilled the rest of the night. I made me a "cake", it was more of a Rachel's recipe. It had, Chocolate, whip cream and strawberries, in layers. It was delicious. I ate all of it, lol.

I then made some spaghetti pasta and just relaxed. It was a good birthday. No pressure, no schedule, just relaxed fun with my loves.

Im going to post some pictures up of my birthday. I took over 200 so, I cant really load them all up, but heres an idea. I might post some more later :) Oh and my wonderful mother in law got me those beautiful flowers for my birthday :)

1 comment:

  1. You look pretty in all your pics that you put on here! =) Im glad you had a good bday, and your not old, were getting older, but were not old haha
