Sunday, November 28, 2010

Who knows...

I'm officially two days late on my period. I really don't know the day I ovulated, because apparently I don't have O pains anymore and we were out of town when it was the time too, and I didn't keep track of it. I'm not the kind of girl who pees on a stick the first chance I can. I used to be that girl, but after all the disappointments, I just stopped and realized it was much easier seeing the blood, then no line. But now I'm two days and I will be honest, thinking about being pregnant, has consumed my mind. I'm thinking that maybe its what has stopped me from starting in the first place.

So this morning, I did pee on a stick. No line! So hopefully Ill start soon, now that I know I'm not pregnant. I hate starting my period right before a work week. Especially when Mondays are my long days.

I wish that having a period was just there....but for me, its the worst week of the month. Ill be open and honest and share with you, that I have to wear an overnight pad all day long, because that's how much I bleed. Ive been doing that since I was a teenager. And sometimes, I still bleed through those. They are uncomfortable to wear all the time and sometimes I even get rashes on the sides of my legs cause of how thick they are. My periods range from 4-5 days, but the last 2-3 days arnt so bad. I know every girl is different and I remember my mom telling me she was a heavy bleeder. It sucks though. I just wish I could wear a little one a few times a day and go on without my business. It just sucks.

So now that I know I'm not pregnant, hopefully I can start soon and start on my clomid. I have taken it into my own hands to try it for one month before going back to the Dr. I think what I would want done, is to see a Specialist....we are going to be approaching 3 years January....and enough is enough. I need answers or problem solving solutions here. I'm not getting any younger. I know this is all in Gods hands, but I also know he gives us Dr's.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

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