Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Growing up, I never had a dad in my life, but I had my grandpa.  I feel like I had the best of both worlds, for I had a loving male role model and yet, he still spoiled me rotten like a grandpa does.  Looking back, I never had any regrets of not having a dad in my life or thinking I missed out on anything.  My mom had to be the mother and father in my life and she did.  I never did get to see what marriage was like or the love between a man and a woman in my household.  The closest thing I could get was my grandpa and grandma, and my grandma died when I was 5, so there wasn't really much there either. 

My grandpa is the best man I know.  He is very loving, kind, gentle, hes also a Godly man and a man who put God first, his family second and him last.  I hope one day, when God gives me my future husband, hes like my grandpa.  My grandpa worked and provided for his family and wanted his wife to stay home and take care of the house and kids.  Crazy thing is, she was the one with college education, lol.  But back in the days, it was normal and now a days, I know its harder.  My grandpa did end up starting and owning a business with his son.  It was a successful business in Dallas.  My grandpa is very smart man who could fix anything.  As his years have came and gone, he has gotten forgetful, but still loving and caring!!!  Hes 82 and hes basically all the family I have left.  I am thankful each and everyday that he is in my life and everything he does for me.  He has taken head of the house as much as he can lately with helping me and keeping up with chores.  He cant do much, but just the little he can, really is a blessing to me.  Its just me and him and I will take care of him and love him as much as I can.  I hope that he sticks around long enough, till I get married and he can hold my child(ren).  He loves babies and kids so much, and to see the sparkle in his eyes with him looking and holding my babies will mean so much to me. 

I don't know what the future holds, but I am very blessed.  Also, this day to me, is not about the dads on this earth, but our Father in heaven.  Even growing up with no father, I always had a father, who looked out for me, protected me, loved me, guided me and that's the Heavenly Father.  He still is my Father and does all these things to this day.  He takes care of me, provides for me, protects me, heals my broken hearts, loves me, comforts me, guides me, holds me, gives me peace and understanding, and holds my hands through this world.  I couldn't ask for a more better Father, for he is THE FATHER!!!  Most gracious, merciful, loving father ever!!!

I know in heaven, my babies have my mom and grandma watching over them, with a loving father loving them more than I ever could. 

This has been a good Fathers Day.  I went to church and we had a guest speaker who was funny, smart, and taught me alot.  I am the sheep and God is my Shepherd.  I want him to lead me in all my days to come.  I want him to discipline me when I need it, I want him to find me when I stray, and I want him to guide me in this life.  Our Father is a loving Father and with all the trials I have faced in my life, all the low valleys of darkness that I endured, I know God has a reason for me and I feel special to be chosen to be strong in my faith and to use those trials as a testimony and a witness for God.  One thing I do pray about, is I ask God to use me, to use me to glorify him, to show others what He has done for me and what He can do for you.   Our God is of love, but he is also a jealous God.  He wants us to always put him first and he WILL take whatever you put before him, out of your life.  I know I was put on this earth for a reason, a big reason!!!!  A reason that will affect many people.   All growing up, I thought I was "special", a different kind of special.  I'm not a follower, I'm different than most people, I think different than most people.  I feel like God is showing me, he made me different because he has great plans for me.  I know right now I'm in this transition of my life and I'm actually enjoying and eager to see what lies ahead.  I know I still have trials in this life and I also know that I will have plenty of happy, joyous times.  But no matter what, whomever I'm with, wherever I'm at, my heavenly Father is there for me.  He is a Father who never leaves us, a Father who never changes, a Father who always loves. 

I love my Heavenly Father and I love my grandpa!!!!!     Happy Fathers (Daddy)  Day!!!

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