Saturday, March 6, 2010

3 years of marriage

So Wednesday was our anniversary!!! Our 3rd year anniversary March 3, 2007!!! That was a wonderful day, a memorable day. 3 years later and we still dont have a family. But I hope and pray that this time next year, we will be a bigger family. I have pictures of our anniversary, very little, just a few, but I hope to put them up soon!! I am on the home computer, instead of my laptop, cause I have been taking my laptop to work this week.

I had to work, my grandpa was in the hospital and Mark was tired and doing chores, since all this went down. So after I got off work, we went and visited my grandpa and then went to eat at Pelican's, we had never been there and then we back to visit my grandpa and then went home and I went to bed early, lol. I was so tired. We are going to try and celebrate our anniversary spring break, which the 15th is our 9 year anniversary. I got this card at Mardel's which when I first read it, it explained everything how I felt....and every card that I read after that, didnt it is...

For my Husband- The love of my life

In the beginning of our
marriage we had no idea
what the years would
bring, or how clearly
we would see God's grace
in the love He's given to us.

He's been with us
every step of the way...
nurturing, growing,
and strengthening
this incredible
gift of
lifetime love.

It feels good to travel
trough life with my best friend--
a man I admire, respect, and
love more than anyone
else in the world.

I know good things are ahead of us
because God is with us....
and I look forward to
seeing His best with you.

Happy Anniversary!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! That was a great card! I'm sorry about your grandpa but I am glad he is OK!

  2. You are sad because you dont have a baby yet and I'm sad because I dont have a husband yet. I want a man in Dominicks life so bad and a man all of my own, I cant explain how badly I want one! One day soon hopefully we will both have all that we want!
