Sunday, March 21, 2010

9 years

So on Monday the 15th, Mark and I celebrated our 9 years of being together. I just want to say that I feel so blessed to be with a man this long and yet, he only has eyes for me and I have eyes for him. I think there is something special in being with only one person, and being with your first love. I know its not very common and I'm glad that I don't ever have to worry about any ex's or the fact that he shared himself with someone else. We have only shared ourselves with each other and that really means alot to us. We only know each other and the way our bodies are, where each scar is, each mole, each birth mark. When we finally do have kids, I really want them to know, how special and close our relationship is, that they can grow and have something like we can one day.

I have to admit, when we were getting close to our wedding day, all I could think about was divorce. I was so scared of getting a divorce and I wasn't even married yet. I think I was thinking about failure before I even started. Now, we pray for guidance and for God to make our relationship strong in the Lord. Mark and I have gone through some stressful situations that really has tested our relationship over the years.....

The first one, was when my mom died. Here we are 16 years old, and we haven't met each other at this point because we lived in different cities and couldn't get up and travel. But when my mom died, Mark wrote a note to his parents telling them that he needed to be here with me and why he needed to be here. Though he couldn't come to my moms funeral, he came a few days later and we met. It was awkward, but its our ever after. I'm glad he didn't come on my moms funeral day, because I think that would of been weird, but he made me feel better when he did get here. We met each other every 3 months after that till we graduated. We would take turns traveling and that's what kept our relationship alive. I remember for my 17th birthday, Mark flew to Dallas and me and my grandpa met up there for the weekend and we went and did lots of things.

Then after high school, he graduated and a week later, he moved up here to be with me and to go to college. I don't think him, or even his parents thought that it was going to last and he was going to be here for so long, but he has. It will be 7 years this June, that he has lived here.

When I was 19, I found out I had cancer. I remember I was in the hospital room, from running tests and they just told me that they are going to treat this as cancer and I was getting dressed and Mark calls. I told him, that I had cancer......he didn't say anything. I cant imagine for someone so young, and you love someone and they just told you this when he knew my mom died just 2 1/2 years before. I know alot of people look at me, and is like oh, poor Rachel, but I had to bring to some peoples minds, when he married me, there is a chance that he wont grow old with this person. I don't think mentally Mark thinks that way, or at least he don't tell me, but I know it had to of crossed his mind. But that alone, will tell you, how much he loves me and is devoted to me. Some people would get scared and run off. But Mark stood by my side the whole way with my cancer. He stayed every single night in the hospital and all day long for a week. He did leave a few hours each day to shower and to change clothes, but he always came back. What an amazing man.

Then we miscarried our twins in 2008. He was there holding my hand when they went in the first time to see if I miscarried everything. Then there he was......our little baby on the screen. I started to cry and I looked over at Mark, and he was crying. To think you lost something so dear to your heart and then to find out that hes still in there, was so grateful. Then the night we did miscarry Mark Jr., Mark was there the whole time for me. There was blood everywhere and I was in pain, and I was going to pass out and then I got really cold, he was there, to get me a towel and a fan, and then something to make me warm. All the grossness didn't bother him. Any other time, I know it would of, but I guess when you love someone so much, it doesn't matter. Being there for the one you love is more important than what normally would bother you.

The past 2 years, we have been trying for a baby. I feel so blessed how it hasn't taken a toll on our marriage. I think it has made us stronger and has touched our hearts for what we truly want and what our hearts desire. We really want a family and we are going to try until our dream comes true.

I love you Mark Richard Pena!!!! You are my soulmate and you are the best husband a girl can ask for. I want to spend many more years together with you.


  1. Rachel that was beautiful! You guys truly have something special....Congrats on 9 years! Love you :)

  2. That was so touching to read, it almost made me cry but I just put on my makeup for the day and it turned out perfect so I dont want to mess it up!! I want the both of yall to know that I admire both of yall for the way yall care about your relatonship, now a days people DO NOT do that. You knew how my parents was when I was growing up, it was never anything like you and Mark, however my relatonship will be whatever I choose to make it to be. I want to one day have a love like you and Mark, and for Dominick to be able to witness it, and guide him so that one day when he becomes a man he will know how to treat and love a lady the way they should be loved. Yall are an inspriation Rachel! <3
