Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tired Week

This week was crazy. Its always hard for me to get back on track with sleeping and waking up early. I was tired and moody all week long. I dont know if I ever posted on my blog, but I did take my first round of clomid. When I took them, I didnt have any side effects really, other than I was moody, but now since I finished my round, I noticed the side effects, like hot flashes and mood swings. My GYN told me that these pills might make me want to divorce Mark, lol, but that its just the side effects of the pills. I always have had lower pain this month more than normal, like low abdomen pain. I just thought its because of those pills, but I dont know. Im going to see if Im pregnant or if I start my period and see how my body feels then to see if it is those pills.

I have been at peace though with getting pregnant. I really want a baby, everyone knows that, my heart feels it and God knows. I cant rush God!!! I know he has put this desire is from him and I know his timing is perfect. I know I say that alot, but its true!! Its totally how I feel and he is awesome and everything seems to be falling into place.

1 comment:

  1. Clomid will make you feel crazy! Been there, done that! It's worth it though if you get your BFP. Good luck and God bless!
