I'm going to focus on myself this summer and I want to lose some weight....My "big" goal, is to lose 100 pounds. That might seem alot, but I'm fat, LOL. But I think this summer will be from 20-50 pounds. I'm trying to get motivated and encourage to do it, because usually in the summer its so hot, all I want to do is just stay inside with the air condition. I on the other hand, have a few videos and I bought an exercise ball and I have been walking the dogs lately. Its fun, and I get to spend time with my friend and we talk. Mark wants to get a bike and ride, but we need to buy him one and maybe either fix mine or buy me one too. Mark has bad knees from football, so he doesn't want to just start something that might hurt him until he loses some weight, so his knees wont kill him. He stands and walks up stairs all night at work, and hes always sore from that.
I have never had a Dr. tell me to lose weight. They have told me that I am overweight, but they never told me to lose weight for my health. They have told Mark to lose weight, but he has high blood pressure, but I know I cant be healthy with my weight, but I'm not sure why they haven't told me to lose it.
But I want to just better myself. Ive always been athletic and have lots of muscle and now I'm just sluggish and sloppy. I would love to go back to the new school year and look and feel different. Mark tells me I'm beautiful everyday, but we both need to lose some weight and become healthier. We pray daily for good health and we need to start acting like it.
Its hard to start now, because work really does wear me out. Its almost the end of the school year (can you believe that?) and everything is just coming down to the last minute. Our yearbook has to be done this Thursday.....we also have Spirit Week this week, lol.....then Graduation is on the 8th of May, and everything, programs and practice need to be done, to have 5 days later our initiation, yearbook signing, and our awards program done. We have a school board meeting on Monday, which we need to have next years schedule done, but I can tell you, that's not going to happen, unless my boss does it.... All these things, really take lots of hours and thinking.
Lately, since I have been working on the yearbook so much, I have had horrible eye strain. I have had a headache for the past 2 weeks, and of course its effecting my eyes, neck, back and is just making me miserable. Also the change of weather, and we have had horrible wind, I'm sure is not helping either.
So that's whats been going on with me lately!!!