Sunday, April 11, 2010


I have been in a rut lately with my photography. If anyone who reads this, doesn't know, I own my own photography business called, Joyful Memories. I really felt like God had put the desire in my heart to open up my own business, and I was on it for awhile and got everything that I needed to get done with it, and then it kinda just stopped. I felt not good enough and I always looked at others, and theirs was just sooo much better than mine. I have to admit, I haven't gone to any training, just reading up and learning the old fashion way. I don't know the camera like I should, but I do enjoy taking pictures and opening my mind up artistically. I try and look at people and their pros and cons of their body and how they look good and what they want to show.

I do need to get another lens, but I really don't have the budget to just drop money on something like that, and I don't really have the money coming in for it for the photography, because I'm not putting myself out there. I know God has let me start this up for a reason, and maybe its for the summer times, for when I'm not working. I work at a school and in the summer I'm off for 3 months and that's an income that's not coming in. The summers are so hard, and I do love not working and have some time off, but I hate being broke. Last summer, I tried to have this good special for my photography, which was free session for couples, maternity, infants, and infant-a year old, because I hadn't been able to take pics of any of those things. Well like one person wrote me and won and it was for a couple session. We haven't got together to do one yet, but shes pregnant now, so maybe when she gets a little bigger, we can do a maternity shoot.

I have been working on the yearbook so much and just editing pictures, that my heart is really opening it up to it again. Also, my friend has been getting some of her friends interested in me and they want me to do theirs, which has inspired me again. But I'm not the kind of person to put myself on a pedestal, and I always tell people I'm not the best, so I don't get bad feedback from them, like they knew from the beginning. Who knows, where this will go.

I have been honestly trying to block any baby stuff from my mind. I don't want a baby anymore and I'm not counting on having one. Since then, I have realized how much stuff that I have put off and put back and how I'm starting to open up and see the light again. The baby thing was really taking over my life, and I don't want to do it anymore. I'M DONE!!!! and this website will only be for my own personal life from now on!!! :)

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