Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 30 - a dream for the future

Wow...we made it!!! Day 30....A dream for the future!

I want my dream in the future is to be HAPPY!!! I want God to pour his blessings on me and I want to do HIS will. I want for me and my husband to always be close and love each other unconditionally. I want for us to have a family and grow old together. I want us to never fight and argue and just love, kiss, and hug each other when its bad. I want my grandpa to live to be 140 and I want him to see my baby and to love and hold em and to show me how to do things. My grandpa is such a sweet man, and he loves babies and kids. I want him to be around when we finally get our bundle of joy. I want to be healthy, I want my husband to be healthy, and I want my grandpa to be healthy. I want us to have a healthy baby or babies. Im not expecting life to be perfect, because I think we need hard times for us to realize what he have. In the hard times, we always run to God, and we need to always run to him everyday for guidance, love, and he needs to be our best friend. I want to grow stronger and I want my faith to be strong. I want to depend on Jesus and know that everything is going to be alright and that God will bless us.

I hope you enjoyed my 30 days questions and that you got to know a little more about me.

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