Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 21 / Week 3

So Ive noticed that my face has gotten a little worse over the past week.....BUT....I honestly blame it on PMS.  It looks like the usual style pimples I would get when its that time of the month.  My jaw line that was from the hormone imbalance has cleared up so well.  The other pimple just periodically everywhere always happens every month around this time.  Since this is the first month of taking these pills, I have wondered how my period is actually going to be and when its going to start.  So far, the app on the phone shows that I'm supposed to start on the 6th.  Two months ago I started 3 days early, which is rare for me, but I didn't worry about it and then the next month I started 5 days early, which then worried me.  Well, its 2 days till I'm supposed to start and no signs yet.  I really, REALLY, hope its late, but I guess it will come when its ready.  I just don't want to be miserable on my birthday or my birthday trip.  I'm supposed to get a massage done on my birthday and it relaxes you so much that it usually triggers it.  I was debating not even getting it done, but I want too!!!  So, lets just see what next week brings and see if it starts to clear up again.  The ladies did tell me to give it a month and 2 months for sure.  I kinda feel like its when you lose start off good, losing tons of pounds, to then it slowing up.  I feel like my body was like, HECK YEAH, to now, its taking its course!!  With my period not starting as soon so far, it has shown me alot, that its working!!! :)

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