Thursday, October 11, 2012

My 27th Birthday

 My day started with me getting up and getting my hair cut.  I hadn't had a hair cut since March and was time.  Then I came home, got dressed and I wanted to spend my birthday with my grandpa.  I really haven't been spending alot of time with him, because I have been working and since he hasn't been able to go to Carl's Jr every morning and drink with his coffee buddies, I knew he wanted to get out. 

 After we ate at Cheddars, I wanted to go to the cemetery to give some flowers to my mom.  After all she is the reason why I am here and she did sacrifice so much for me and tried to make me into the best person she possibly could.  I have been thinking about my mom alot recently and wonder what we would sit and talk about if she was here.  I would love to hear her advice and encouragement and for her to tell me shes proud of me.  I still do strive to make her proud of me each and everyday.  I know in this life, my mom wanted me to be happy.  She told me one time, "I want you to grow up and be happy.  I don't care what you want to do in life as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else."  My mom never put high expectations on me to become successful in a career or make the most money, but she put high expectations on me to please God and to do whats right.  I think that's the most important thing a parent can teach someone. 

 My moms favorite time of the year was fall.  I loved these colors and I love going out and visiting my mom at the cemetery.  I know shes not there, but it really is a peaceful and beautiful cemetery and my mom is right in the corner on a hill and to look at the sky setting is just amazing.  I love the bench we have out there and its good for grandpa to go visit and to sit.  I love my grandpa.  I think he is just the most adorable, gentle, loving person I have ever met.  I have been so blessed to have him in my life.  He is more of a blessing than I could ever imagine.
 So after I went home and laid down for a couple of hours, I then went to the grocery store and got me a small cake, kind of like a slice of cake.  I still wanted to do the whole, -blowing out the candles, while you sing to me- thing, so I made it simple.  I was so tired from my period coming and me coming down with the cold that I really felt kinda miserable that day.  It was a good birthday, I cant complain, I just wish my body was more healthy.  So after I went to the grocery store, I went to Kohls where I had a free $10.00, so I got me these cute candles on sale and some sunglasses (which already broke).  Then it was time for me to get my massage.  I told her that I was sick and should be starting my period soon, and she wanted to see if I wanted to delay it, but I told her no.  It was actually one of the things I looked forward to all day.  I usually get a deep tissue, but since my body was weak, she did in between deep and relaxation.  Lets just say, it was perfect!!!

 So here is my mini cake.  I have 27 candles on there.  Its crazy, how I'm 27 already.  So much has happened in my life and alot the past couple of years.  Its this time is when I do miss how things used to be, but have been accepting that I have a great future and lots of memories ahead of me.

 This is my ugly, I'm making a wish face!!!!!!! LOL    I'm really wanting that wish to come true!!!! hahaha

 So my bestie was there with me blowing out the candles and so we went to dinner.  I can just look at this picture and can tell that I did not feel good.  I hadn't been to El Mejicano in about a year or so and saw that it was like $7.99 buffet on Thursday and since I was saving up for my trip, it sounded perfect.  Also, it was on the way to the casino!!!

 It was so cold that night!!!!
 This is me acting silly in front of the casino!!!! Gotta love not ever wanting to grow up!!!

 So I started with free $10.00 and ended up leaving with $4.73.  I would say I made a profit!!! :)
 This picture cracks me up everytime.  I don't know what we were trying to do, but we both look like we are on something.  Rebecca looks like she is cracked out crazy and I look like I'm high on weed, chilled. lol

I have been blessed this birthday.  I was surprised at what I did and the love I felt on my birthday.  I had about 50 people tell me Happy Birthday and I just had a good all around day.  I am hoping that this next year, God will show me many happy, positive, peaceful and encouraging moments for what he has in store for me.  I know God has me here for a purpose and I don't want my selfish desires to get in the way or bring me down.  So here is to a wonderful, blessed 27th year!!!

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