Thursday, February 18, 2010

HSG test

So yesterday, I had my HSG test done. It was not pleasent at all. Mark drove me to the clinic, which Im glad that I read on the internet, what some women suggested. I couldnt of drove....I couldnt even walk or stand up. Let me tell you what happened.....

So I get there almost 11am, that's when my appointment was and my Dr had already told me that he was going to have surgery that morning, but if they wernt done by 11am he was going to leave the surgery to come to me. So that was nice of him. The best nurse ever, Barbara, led me to the room (which Barbara was there when I miscarried, she is MY nurse, the woman I always call and talk too) and I changed waist down and laid down on this hard bed. They had about 5 people in the room, one to take the xrays, one to help the Dr, the Dr, the person reading the xrays, and a student and if there was anyone else, I didn't know. I honestly, didn't even care who was in there, it was painful. So I lay there and the Dr. does his thing and puts the clamp in me, which I'm used too, and then all of a sudden, I feel this pinch. I moaned really loud. The guy reading the screen, was like, you can watch the screen if you want. I was in pain, I tried to watch it, but I didn't care at that point. My Dr. just put a catheter in my uterus and started shooting dye in me. I did look over occasionally and saw that the dye went through the right tube, but then they didn't know about the left tube. The guy reading the screen, didn't see it go through or something. I'm not even sure. I asked the Dr. if that was the worst pain, and he was like, umm...maybe, and it was. The pain that "started" didn't get any worse. Now when he took it out and was done, my pain started. Oh I forgot 2 things. They said it looked liked I had a "V" shaped uterus and also they wanted me to role, with clamps and a catheter in me from side to side to take test. That was weird. But back to the end. He leaves, well everyone seemed to leave and he talked a few minutes and then left. He was in a really big hurry. I lay on my side and my nurse wants me to try and get up and all I want to do is just lay there. I do get up and go to the bathroom to put my clothes on. I come out of the bathroom and I'm walking funny, bent over. The nurse and the lady taking the pictures asked if I was alright. I told them, I was in pain. My nurse gave me a hug and told me its normal and that the pain should end that day. We walked out and I told Mark to go to get the car and pick me up, cause we were at 2 different ends of the building. There was no way I was going to make it that far. I swear to you, it took Mark a day to come get me. I was standing out there bent over in the cold weather and people were walking in and out, and I'm sure they were looking at me funny, but I didn't care. I see him round the corner and I hurry him my way. I couldn't sit, I couldn't walk, I couldn't do anything. It was painful. I come home, lay down, take 2 Tylenol and at first I couldn't get comfortable and then it finally eased about an hour later. I had aches and pains that day and a little blood, but I'm fine now. I took the whole day off of work and just relaxed.

Then I get to work today and I overdue myself and start cramping a little bit. But I'm good. They say that alot of women get pregnant after getting this test done, cause it "cleans" the woman's tubes out. Please pray and hope that this is true and that it will happen to us. The next thing the Dr recommends is Clomid, and then if that doesn't work, insemination.

I am having my periods at 28 days and I know I am ovulating. Things seem to be getting better, and I really would love to hold my baby in my arms and finally have a family. Please keep us in your prayers as we try for our family.


  1. Good luck girl! Glad to see you taking the steps, even though its not fun, if it results in a beautiful baby, its ALL worth it! :) Love you!

  2. I had that test done and I agree it was really weird and really painful! Unfortunately, I didn't get pregnant after I had it, but they do say a lot of women do! So hopefully you will be one of those women! Good luck and keep up the faith!
