Friday, February 19, 2010


So I talk to my nurse today and she told me that everything came out fine with my pap-smear, so that's good and I talked to her about the other day with the V shape uterus and the left side of my fallopian tube. She told me, not to worry about the V shape uterus, that's its nothing to be concerned or worried about and that the Dr. will be looking at the x-rays about the left fallopian tube. I remember the Dr. telling me, theres nothing to worry about, but they are going to look closer. I had read too, that if you just have one that is working fine, its still good percentage on getting pregnant. I'm not even sure if its blocked or anything, but it didn't go through as fast as the right side. God is going to take care of us and I just feel peaceful right now with this whole ordeal. I guess, now I have options, even though I would love just to get pregnant naturally without any meds or anything.

But I realized that I should be ovulating any moment now. I have to say that I did have extra mucus which is a sign of ovulation today, BUT, Mark had to go to work, and so we didn't get to do anything. That's whats so aggravating. I don't know sometimes what to do with our schedule. We did get pregnant the first time, by only making love once that month. I know anything can happen, by Gods grace, I really just hope its soon.

I do on the other hand, feel like I'm getting alot of things that I have been wanting to do, out of the way. We are currently re-doing our kitchen, with new paint, floors, furniture, and I know that I wouldn't of been able to do it, pregnant, or with a new born. We had gotten our mattress that we wanted too a few months back, now we just need a new bigger vehicle. I know God will take care of our needs, and I feel really blessed that we are getting things that we need and out of the way. We really needed new table and chairs and I was blessed to get those this past weekend. We were down to like 2 chairs and a table, and it was just bad to have anyone over and be comfortable sitting at our table. But when my kitchen is all done, I am going to post pictures of before and after.


  1. I'm happy you guys are getting to redo the kitchen, I bet it is looking great! cant wait to see...and yes ill take pics of our place soon, its just never that praying everything is good with your tubes and a baby is on the way soon :)

  2. We are in the process of remodeling our kitchen too! And we are getting ready to buy a new mattress, too! That's so funny that we are doing the same things! Maybe it will happen since we have our minds on other things!
