Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I, in no shape, way or form am going to say this in a bad way, but I have had a few friends come to me to confide in!!  Honestly, I feel like I am always the one venting and confiding in all my friends, and their always having to hear the same things and tell me the same things, but just all in a different way. 

I honestly, enjoy listening to people and giving my input as much as I can and how much they are willing to hear it.  I know some people don't like peoples opinions and some people don't ask, but I actually enjoy listening to everyones opinions and what they would do in a scenario.  I know we are all different and think different, so I like having my eyes broadened or hear something that I may not of thought of.  At the end of the day, I'm going to do whats best for me, but I still appreciate and respect everyone elses opinions.

I still battle with some demons of mine and some weaknesses I have.  I have been really trying to not think of a certain thing and tell myself if I don't talk about it, then it will pass and get easier.  I don't know what to do anymore, so at this point, I'm going to try for anything!!  I notice each day it gets easier and better for me, but its still there and I feel like its this little annoying thing that just wont go away.

I'm hoping that God will redirect my focus on something positive and encouraging!!!  Here's to brighter new beginnings!!!

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