Sunday, January 20, 2013

I HATE Drama

I think ever since Mark left, drama has followed me.  I never had drama or even really knew alot of people who had drama in their life.  Ill admit that I put alot of that drama in my life after he left, but everything got shaken upside down that I didn't know what was drama and what wasn't till months into it, I just knew I wasn't happy and stressed all the time. 

I also know that lately, I cause my own drama in my head, when really they are struggles.  I always tell people.....I hate drama, I'm just dramatic!!!!  They are both different things....I am the type of person that is like....."OMGOSH, IT IS SNOWING OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I let alot of things roll off my back with people and their stupidity, but if its better believe I'm going to say something.

Today, my job calls me.....I had just woken up and she tells me not to come in next week and that she needs to sit down and talk with me.  I am totally confused at this point and ask her whats going on and blah blah blah.

Anyways....alot happened tonight and I'm torn between pissed and hurt.  I think everyone who knows me knows that I am an honest person who shares more than the average person, but this is me......My friends even tonight know I didn't do anything wrong.  My own boss wouldn't talk to me about what this is, because it wasn't on "her own time".  I swear sometimes, its like high school up there and it never was before.  I do miss my old boss....she was very professional and I knew I could go to her and talk to her about anything without everyone else finding out.  I don't have that security there....its like they thrive off of drama and games. 

I am not the type of person to back down from something.  I will fight for what is right, even if I "lose".  I think of it not as a loss, but everything I could possibly do to make it right or fix it.  Just like my marriage....even though we got divorced, I did everything I could to save therefore it wasn't a loss to me, I knew I did everything I could and can live in peace with it.  Whatever crap is going down, or lies or misunderstanding at work is going on.....I guess on Monday morning I will find out what it is, because I have been racking my mind all day about what in the world I could of done to be ripped of all my hours.  They better have a good reason....but the truth is.....even if it is or isn't....I don't know if I want to work with these people anymore.  I have been the most loyal, anytime you need me, I'm always here kind of girl for them, and this is how they are treating me?  I mean......I might just have to take it up the ladder with this one......

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