Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tired as all get out

I have 13 minutes before work and I'm bored.  I actually woke up an hour later than I normally do, so its going to be one of those days.  If I'm already dressed and ready to go, then just imagine what I look like, considering I lost an hour.  I don't care though.....I'm freaken tired. 

I stayed at the gym till 2am this morning.....the club next door was gone before I left.  I'm so mad at myself, but that's what I get.  Working out gives you so much energy and I WISH I was a morning person and it didn't take me forever to get dressed or I totally would work out every morning, but Ive always been a night owl.

If you haven't checked out my other  blog, you should read it.  Its definitely been a working process to lose weight, but totally worth it.  The rush when your done, is like a high.  I'm on that high for about 2 hours afterwards.  I know I said I wouldn't talk about me working out on this blog, but it really is something I recommend if you are ready for a lifestyle change.  One thing I suggest is start off slow.  I'm still just walking on the treadmill and I plan to do that for maybe the first month.  Now don't get me wrong, I walk fact, I start off fast and I work  myself up to an incline.  Last night I walked an incline 80% or more of the workout, going all the way up to 15% which is the highest. 

Each time I work out, I can go farther and time goes faster.  I cant wait till I can work out for 2 hours and be okay with it, but like I said, I'm starting off slow.  I can feel my body pushing out more energy and since I walk most of the time, I can feel my legs getting stronger and more flexible.  I was talking to one of the workers last night and I told him that I want to eventually go on the other machines, because I know they burn more calories, but I'm not ready yet and I know that's okay! 

Ive been thinking about my balance that I had talked about in the previous blog and its still a hassle for me.  I really need to sit down and make a schedule for me, so I can get everything that I need to get done in the day, done.  I don't have alot, but my room has more clothes on the floor than I normally do and I haven't folded the towels yet and really have no excuse.  I need to drop off a clients purchase and I haven't done that, and also pay my taxes and a bill that I keep delaying and I definitely don't want to mess with the IRS.

Its time for me to go....I hope everyone has a great day!

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