Friday, January 4, 2013

Question of the day.....

What if the best memories, are the memories you are living NOW????

I know me personally, I think about the future alot.  As I was looking at the picture above with my new headline, I was thinking of last year.  All those pictures were taken last year and I made alot of memories, even memories that arnt up there or even got captured.  I cant say it was the best year of my life, but it wasn't the worst.  I have to actually remind myself that I got divorced last year and you would think it would be a horrible time or even something that might stand out, but really its on the bottom.  Maybe its because its over and been over or maybe God was helping me realize that there is more to life and He has so much still for me.

Honestly a month ago, I never would of thought my mentality of losing 80 pounds would ever be this strong.  I feel like I'm a new person, but not really.  Maybe I'm just on a high right now and excited and motivated to lose weight.  In the back of my mind, there is fear that I cant achieve my goal or that I will slack off and not get to it, but fear isn't from the Lord, so I know that's the devil trying to pysch me out.  I know I can do this.....and I also know that this year will form more memories.  I really feel like God is giving me this time to focus on me, so I can get ready for something awesome!  I'm actually thankful that God has placed this strong focus on me and has given me this time to concentrate on what needs to change with me, inside and out.

I remember after Mark left, I had sooooo many people, tell me that I need to spend this time on myself and to get myself together and I couldn't do it.  All I could think about was Mark getting help to get right with God.  I know I had to go through the stages at my own rate, but I'm here!!!!  Last year was about finding Rachel and this year will be about building confidence within myself.  I hope to then, when I do get to meet my future husband, that I can be confident and know 100% of who I am, so I can give him all of me, the right way.

So, single, taken, or married, I'm going to live my life and make the memories the best that I can!!!!!  We do only live once and if there is anything that you want to do or change.......when are you going to start???? NOW is the best time!!!!!!  Tomorrow isn't promised!!!!  :)

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