Thursday, August 9, 2012

Girls night out

I wanted to have a girls night out and be crazy after my divorce was finalized.  But as the time got closer, I just wanted a good time with my close friends.  I never wanted to celebrate my divorce because its not something I wanted.  Instead I called the event "Cheers to New Beginnings".  I wanted to celebrate my second chance on life and what God wanted me to do.  Its always good to go out and have a good time with friends anyways.

So we decided to go to dinner and a movie.  I wanted to have drinks afterwards, but people had to work the next day and it really didn't intrigue me.  So we go eat at Logan's and we of course got a new lady.  She was late on everything and messed up a few things.  My friend gets hair in her food for the second time that week (other one was at a different restaurant).  So then we head to the mall and go visit Old Navy before our movie starts.  I try on a couple of things and don't end up with nothing.  I do end up with a good variety of crap that they have to have before you checkout.  I am of course 2 and I have to have some toys, then I had been craving Payday candy bars and got a couple of those for the movie and some fingernail polish.  Yes, people that's what I get when I go to Old Navy.  Though since Old Navy is in front of the movies, its cheaper to get drinks and candy. 

We head over to the movies as time slipped through our fingers and get our tickets to see "Magic Mike".  Now I had heard of some bad comments with the movie, but wanted to give it a shot.  I honestly can see what they were telling me.  The first half of the movie was okay, but when other stuff happened, I was like asking God to forgive me for even going.  I had lost all interest in the movie at the end and starting putting my sandals back on, hoping it would end soon.  I think the F word was the number one word in the movie.  Stuff like that can ruin a whole movie for me.  I don't know what I was thinking or what kind of movie it would be, but it definitely isn't a movie I want to see again.

Overall though, I'm glad that I got to hang out with my friends and just talk about that week and have fellowship with another.

*So some of the pictures look weird, cause it was dark in there and I wanted the whole movie film feel of the pictures*

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