Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Me (in a tizzy) : God, can I ask you something?

GOD: Sure.

Me: Promise you won't get mad?
GOD: I promise.

Me (frustrated): Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today?

GOD: What do you mean?

Me: Well I woke up late,

GOD: Yes

Me: My car took forever to start,

GOD: Okay....

Me (growling): At lunch, they made my sandwich wrong and I had to wait

GOD: Hmmmm..

Me: On the way home, my phone went dead, just as I picked up a call

GOD: All right

Me (loudly): And to top it all off, when I got home, I just wanted to soak my feet in my foot massager and relax, but it wouldn't work. Nothing went right today! Why did you do that?

GOD: Well let me see..... the death angel was at your bed this morning and I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that.

Me (humbled): Oh...

GOD: I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that might have hit you if you were on the road

Me (ashamed): ............

GOD: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick and I didn't want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn't afford to miss work

Me (embarrassed): Oh.....

GOD: Your phone went dead because the person that was calling was going to give a false witness about what you said on that call, I didn't even let you talk to them so you would be covered

Me (softly): I see God

GOD: Oh and that foot massager, it had a short that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn't think you wanted to be in the dark.

Me: I'm sorry God.

GOD: Don't be sorry, just learn to trust all things, the good and the bad

Me: I WILL trust you God

GOD: And don't doubt that my plan for your day is always better than your plan

Me: I won't God. And let me just tell you God, thank you for everything today.

GOD: You're welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I love looking after my children.

Scriptural References: II Samuel 22:31, Proverbs 3:5, Hebrews 2:13
My friend posted this on facebook today and I had read it before, but it seemed like something I needed to read.  I feel like this little story, kinda expresses my life, anyones life really, but for me, its for my book, my testimony.  I know we always wonder why somethings happen and we don't understand.  Sometimes we never understand and sometimes it something that we learn or can see how God was working later down in our life.  When Mark and I were trying for baby, we both didn't understand why we wernt getting pregnant.  We were going to the Dr's and everything seemed normal for both of us.  We did what the Dr's told us to do and we prayed about it.  Its now....later down in life when I can see what I didn't before, I can see what God knew all along.  
 I always have to think about that and when we were trying for a baby when I start wondering what God wants for me in this life now.  I feel like I had it all....I feel like I had a husband, house, cars, jobs, and wanting to start a family.  I now am starting over with a mate and possibly a new job.  Everything that I feel like I had at my finger tips isn't there.  But this is where I'm praying and trusting God.  I know he has plans for me, and I know they are better than the ones I thought I wanted.  I hope I can look back and see and smile and be thankful for the wonderful blessings God will give me.  I know God has the story for my life already written and I just want to enjoy it and learn, love and praise God to the day its over.  Even on a bad day, God has a reason and I know He wants me to turn to Him to trust Him.

It was a day like today actually, on the way home when I just was thinking.  I was thinking of some moments in my life and how they were, how happy and content I was in life.  I worked all day and knew I wasn't coming home to anyone.  I wasn't coming home to anyone happy to see me (other than my doggie) and kiss and cuddle with someone after my long day at work.  I miss laying there getting my back rubbed as I just go into full relax mode.  I know though that one day I will hopefully have it again.  I prayed and told God, I will wait on the man he wants me to have, that I fully trust and have faith in Him.  I prayed to God about the man that I would want and what I would want him to be like.  I know God already has him out there.  I don't know if I know him or not, but I am just waiting on the day when God tells me who he is.  I know I'm in no hurry at the moment and I'm not emotionally ready and you know what?  Its okay!!!  I feel like God has placed other things on my heart that he wants me to do first.  

So I haven't written in awhile, as work has been wearing me out, but I'm thankful for all the extra hours.  I'm just a hard worker and work myself to death. Hopefully tonight I can catch up on the past week. 

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