Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Salt and Shake

You know how people crave sweets?  Well I crave salty foods, like bad!!!  For the past week I have been so bloated, like an uncomfortably miserable bloated that I had to buy some pills to help with it.  I thought it was because of the monthly and it might of been, but today I went to the grocery store to get a few things to make lunch since it was my day off.  Well tonight as I got home from working out, I was recapping of some of the things I got at the store.  ALL SALT!!!!!

Even things that I normally don't eat on a regular basis, while I was shopping I realized that they sounded good, so I got them.  Some of the things that I got was, sweet pickles, one dill pickle, chips, watermelon (in which I eat with salt).  I didn't buy alot, but the little that I did, was just salty foods. 

I'm not really aloud to eat alot of salt because of my one kidney.  Its really one of the main foods that my Dr's tell me to avoid and I'm sure that's a big reason why my body and my mind want it so bad, because its something I SHOULDN'T have.  I just hate that I like something so much in which its bad for me.  You know how people drink soda and they try to stop that?  Well I stopped drinking soda back in 2003, it was my New Years Resolution and I stuck with it.  You know how people crave cakes and chocolate?  Well I don't like cake and I only crave chocolate when I'm pmsing.  I love fruits and veggies and crave those more than any other foods, other than salt. 

I think that's what I need to focus on in my diet and watch my salt intake and see where I get and how I feel afterwards.  Last week when I was bloated so bad, I was miserable.  My pants that I wore the week before didn't fit the next week.  I'm alot better now from taking those pills, but I still need to watch my salt intake. 

Another thing that I got at the store the other day was this Shake mix.  My friend had mentioned them to me one time and I so happened to come across one the other day at a different store.  It was like $2.50 and that's alot of money to me for a drink a day, considering I still need to buy some kind of juice to add to it.  Its a name brand, so I think next time I go to Wal-Mart I need to see if they have an off brand.  But it was delicious.  I had put Orange Juice in it and took it to work.  I love that it has nutrients and fiber and it was so quick and easy to make and go.  Though of course I didn't read the directions before like I normally do and I was supposed to shake it up and get it loose first since it was frozen and I didn't do that, but it still turned out good.  Oh and of course I get the cheap OJ cause I'm poor....ha.  I really think I'm weird though, because pretty much any OJ is good to me, even the frozen kind that you make yourself with water.....lol. 

So now that I have expressed my salt and Shake post to you.......have a lovely night!!! :)

Oh and so I was looking rough today, so I went to our crap grocery store and they had watermelons on the floor like when I was kid.........took me way back to when I lived in Dallas!!!

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