Thursday, August 9, 2012

Monday Night (started it Monday)

I need to write about Friday night and Sunday, but I'm just skipping those for another night and go straight to  Monday night.

I woke up today, kinda slow, just tired.  Ive been working non stop and on my days off, I'm busy.  Ive been working on trying not to be so stressed all the time with things to do and just live life.  If I'm planning on doing something and something comes along, Ill go with it and just push things to the side and have fun.  I still have my responsibilities, but realized it wont kill me to wait.

I went to work this morning and worked my butt off.  I stayed an hour later to work, because stuff needed to get done and I need the extra hours.  I had a list of things I needed to do today, so I told her I needed to go and tomorrow I can stay later.  I come home and call some people and bills and then I had one person to call left.  It ended up making so mad.  The maddest I have been in a very long time.  I think I sinned every sin in the book.  Even thinking about it, just upsets me all over again.  I was trying to cancel my AOL service.  YES...AOL......its not much a month, but still a waste of money.  Lets just say....45 minutes later and I still have it.  I called and called and every single time, got disconnected.  Even talked to the same lady twice and she gave me another number in case it got disconnected again and THAT number disconnected me.  I feel like I wasted 45 minutes of my life that I can never have again.  On top of that, it made me late to a business to drop of a bill.  My grandpa and I had bills that we had to drop off and to get groceries.  I went to the post office for a couple of stamps and the line was out the door.  I cant stay in the line for 2 stamps, but still at that moment I was furious from my phone calls.

I noticed on facebook my friend wanted to go to Lawton to Chick-fil-a.  I told her I would drive her up there.  I honestly needed to get away and it was a much needed mini trip.  So we meet up at my house and head out.  At the time, I just told my grandpa that groceries will have to wait.  I wasn't feeling up to going to the store anyways.

(Now I'm writing today.....I told ya I been tired, I couldn't even finish it the other night)
So she comes to my house and I drive her car and we are heading to Lawton.  We are heading out and were not even 10 minutes out on the highway when we come to a stop, there was a car accident.  We were there for a good 10 minutes of waiting on getting by.  We see an ambulance head out and someone get in a stretcher.  It looked like about 3-5 cars, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

We start heading out again and then there was a cop blocking off the rest of the highway.  We didn't understand this because the car accident was already behind us.  We start driving with the rest of the cars on the side road.  We go about 3 minutes down and notice more firetrucks.  There was another car accident, but this one was worse.  Both of the news channels was out there and also more firetrucks and everything.  We see the was gone, there was nothing left.  We knew the person couldn't of possibly of made it.

Heres a link to what happened

The 2 car accidents shook us up, but we were still determined for some food.  We hit the road again and when we cross the Red River I notice there is NO water.  I know when I have crossed it before, there was some, but this time, NONE.  While we are crossing the Red River, they had it blocked off down to one lane.  We see ahead of us this crazy worker in a truck cut someone off and hurry down and was driving crazy.  We start really thinking about if we should be going out of town since all these events happened before we even got to Oklahoma.

Well we still decide to keep going.  It started raining on us and while we are driving we pass a State Trooper.  It just decides to pull out when we go by, of course you got to love that when that happens.  During this time, we are approaching the toll booth and the cop turns back around.  We pay and we go forward.  We reach Lawton and start getting excited.  Rebecca hadn't been there in awhile and so she is remembering how to get there.  When she figures it out, the roads are blocked.....there was no way to get around it.  So what do we do?  GPS of course.  Well, it took us on the other side of town, lol.  So at this point, you have 2 crazy women, who are starving, stomach growling and both pmsing again at the same time......beware!!!!!  We are at the red light and my friend rolls down the window and asks the guy.  He tells us where to go and sure enough, we get there.  We get out, go order food that could feed.....I don't know.....a football team maybe.  The last time I was at a Chick-fil-a was when I was pregnant and we went to one with Mark and his dad in San Antonio.  I was sick and wasn't eating at that point, so I don't really remember it, but what I thought was so cute, was the little flowers on the table and of course the Christian music playing.

We eat, leave and decide to see where a friend lives.  Yes, people think that we are semi stalkerish, but its all for good knowledge :)   why you say?  We are R&R!!!   My friend tells me where hes at and what do you know?  We drove right by there and decided to do a little parking lot look.......there was his car.  Took a pic for kicks and giggles.  Then we GPS'd his house.  We get to a guy on the corner....and what happens????  He drives right by.  Well of course I'm not going to wave or anything, so I simply just keep looking the other way.  The guy on the other hand is like saying really loud....."yeah, he was looking, he was looking right over here".  I am going "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".   It was funny.  When we get together, its like it was when we were 16 except add 10 years of more knowledge :)

We leave after our little adventure and head out to Temple, Oklahoma.  We needed some dirt on someone and if we saw em, we was going to say HI!!!! :)  While we are still in Lawton, we are at this red light.  Then all of a sudden we heard this pop noise and it made us jump.  I look over to where it was coming from and see some sparks.  We were going to go ahead and just go, but then I told Rebecca, what if its a fire.  So we turn around and what was it????  A fire.  We of course have to take pictures and I ask her how do we call 911?  She says, you just dial 911.  OH!!!!!  oopsie :)   But then it was next to an Aaron rent a center and I heard the guys calling, so in stead we just watch and take more pictures.  They all of a sudden keep looking at us, cause why wouldn't there be 2 girls driving by and taking pictures?  I'm sure it happens all the time.  (haha)  Then they start frantically start running around and it freaks us out and so we leave.  We go across the street and watch and they are starting to put it out.  So it looked tamed and we leave.

Its getting really dark at this point, but we still head out.  My friend has her legs out the window and we are jamming to music while I'm dancing and driving.  We were having a blast!!!  We get there to the Podunk town and we stop at a gas station and ask some people where they might find this person.  They tell us they moved to a different town and so we just browse around this 1.5  mile long town and then head out.  While we are leaving we are going down the road and all of a sudden a deer was in the road.  I slammed on my breaks and scares the crap out of Rebecca cause she wasn't looking.  We then go about 100 feet and there was another one.  We decide to take it slow.

So after we get back on the main highway and paying yet another pay toll.....the same one mind you, its wrapped around the exit we took, we start talking.  I guess I should say I started talking and she sat there, lol.  I even asked her at one point how come she dosent talk, and she said, "Have you heard yourself?"  haha.  Its true.  My mind just goes and have alot on it and I vent it out, even though I might say the same thing over and over.  Its usually something that keeps circling in my head.

So with all that, a mini 4 hour trip, I have this wonderful long blog to post about!!!

Took some pics of the beautiful sky and some areas around Lawton......I want to edit these later!!!

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