Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ranger Game 2

So we went on another Ranger Game Sunday.  Like always wherever we go, we always have a story.  This time, we headed out early Sunday to spend more time and not rush into anything.  The road trip down there was fun and we ended in Ft Worth.  Drove around down town looking for some where to eat, but didn't find anything.  Then we headed to Arlington and stopped at WalMart.  We ended up leaving early we forgot some stuff.  On the way down there, I was dancing so hard in the car, that my buttons on my dress started popping off, so I had to get me some safety pins.  Rebecca got some stuff and I got some other stuff and we left.  We went around looking for something cheap and good to eat and found SteaknShake.  It was good.....kinda overpriced for the type of food, but something different.

Then to the ballpark we go.  We knew exactly where we were going to park because of last time.  We found this little bitty parking lot that charged $5.00, and so when we got there, there was no one there.  But as we pulled in and parked and got out, the guy who runs the parking lot showed up and started blocking it off.  We were honest and approached him and he was saying it was $7.00, well last week was $5.00 and so with a little talking nicely, he said okay $5.00.  :)    By the way, parking prices are ridiculous.  I don't know if you have ever gone, but it goes usually from $10-$15.00.  That's why with R&R we found a parking lot that isn't far from the ball park. 

We head in and as we are walking toward the ballpark, the clouds are rolling in and the wind is picking up.  We had dressed for 100+ weather and here it is, kinda cool.  We were worried that we were going to get rained out, but still went ahead in.  We got our tickets and walked int he gate.  We were earlier than before so it wasn't hectic.   The entrance that we walked into, when you go to the right and straight is the "all you can eat" section and its right field, so the players are out there stretching and warming up.  Rebecca goes down there to take pictures and I'm on my phone, so I'm not paying attention and when I realized she was down there, I walked to stand by her.  Well the worker was standing there and I asked, "who sits here?" and he says "no one", and I go, "can we sit here?" then he just shrugs his shoulders.......well that's a yes!!!  So I look at Rebecca and I go, "Rebecca, he said we could sit here", she like "really", I said, " would you want too?", shes like, "um, yeah!!!!!".  So Rebecca gets done flirting and taking her pictures with the players and Rebecca tells the guy, "we will be right back, were going to go to the store and get a snow cone".  He was like, "alright".  So if you didn't know, which I'm sure you don't, we had the nose bleed, cheap tickets on the 3rd base line at the top.  This seat wasn't even a seat for people.  It was big mesh chairs and right before you got to the Budweiser Suites.  Even the worker who gave em to us, didn't have the comfy seats like we did. 

So we head out to get her, her key chain that she wanted and then my snow cone that I HAD to have.  Of course the snow cone guys remembered us from last time and Rebecca even got a number.  The guy that gave her his number though, was trying to help me with my snow cone, cause they just filled the bubblegum up, (which I thought they were out of, and WW3 was about to happen) and he was holding the nozzle down.  I thought he was trying to show me, but the juices kept wasting and I hit his hand to stop, but apparently he was being nice.  Oops.....I didn't come all that way for no bubblegum snow cone.  I knew how much I wanted and needed.  :)    So, we go back to sit in  our seats and the weather was beautiful.  It was in the 80's, and the sun was starting to shine through and there wasn't sweat from us.  We got the big comfy seats and got to watch all the people in the Budweiser suites get drunk and act stupid. 

So, the guy who gave us the seats, was a douche.  Apparently, he wanted something for giving em to us.  Now, I got the seat farthest away which is good, because Rebecca got to deal with him the whole time.  He kept trying to get a picture with a text and get her number.  Now this guy was mid 30's, married, with 5 kids, which he said was none of his.  Sad part is, whatever Rebecca said, he would do!!!  It was nuts.  When he had to take a break, he even told the people who relieved him, that we were his friends.  When we went into it, we didn't think he would of been like this, or at least I didn't.

So we leave the ballpark and our seats were so good that we just walked up and out of the ballpark.  Our seats originally were literally all the way around the whole ballpark and up 2 things of escalators.  Its about an additional mile of walking, no lie.  We walk out, breeze is going, good game, good seats, no misery!!!  We get to our car and Rebecca meets up with a friend of hers at Walmart, then we head to Taco Cabana!  Rebecca had never been and well.....if you haven't had it, then your missing out.  When you have it, it will change your life.  :)   We navigate one and head there.  But before we go, Rebecca goes up a block and gets gas.  Well theres this guy that looks at Rebecca when shes in her car and they end up talking.  He actually ends up going to Taco Cabana with us. 

Now this is where it gets weird for me.  This guy seemed good, seemed genuine, but also knew exactly what to say to everything we asked him.  Kinda one of those "too good to be true", kind of thing.  Nothing adds up to me with everything he said.  I'm not saying this guy was lieing, but something is missing, its just my gut feeling.  He was a smooth talker and I can point those a mile away.  Of course it feels good to seem like theres a guy out there that fits your description, but I also know what Real Men are like, and he wasn't one.  I have met alot of guys and talked to them and they have flaws and they have a past and what not, but he was talking out of his butt!!!!  If someone says to you the first day you meet them, that your their next future wife......RUN!!!!  But hey......who knows.....could be one of those fluke things that happen and true love happens.

After spending 2 hours there, we head home.  The point of eating there was to get in and out and well, just like last week, we got home around 3am.  We were dead tired and Rebecca had to work the next day, and I was off.  But that was our Sunday.

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