Sunday, December 12, 2010

Strep Throat?

I went to the Dr the other day, because my throat was swollen again. When I say swollen, I mean, so swollen that I cant lay down and sleep, because I wake up grasping for air. I had to sleep in the recliner all night Thursday night. Now, a few weeks ago, when I was sick with it, I had many nights sleeping up in the recliner. But anyways....the time I went before, they checked to see if I had strep and the test came back negative. The Dr was surprised, because he said it looked horrible and that I had so many little white spots on the back of my throat. He gave me some antibiotics, but those things were so big, that I didnt finish it. Its hard to swallow some honky pill when your throat is already so swollen it feels like its closing. But my throat got better, but when it started to flare up again, I started to take them again.

Well, I broke down and went to the Dr. This time, I got to see MY Dr. I had went early in the morning and he didnt have any openings, which that would of meant, I would of seen the urgent care Dr, which is who I saw last time. I didnt want that, and they said my Dr. had an opening at 2:30, so I waited. I finally got to see him and he said it looked terrible and he even sniffed my breath, because he said Strep has a certain smell. He didnt smell it, but he tested it again and it was negative. He didnt believe it, lol, so he got ANOTHER swab of my throat and is sending it off.

I love my Dr. Do you realize, how easy and comfortable it is for me to talk to him. He jokes because, when I see him, I have a million questions, and he is like... "Does your brain, ever slow down?" He said, its part of my ADD. Which I didnt know I had till he told me, lol. But anyways...then he goes to Mark...Is this why your so quiet? I said...Pshhh....he never listens to me. The Dr. then says...Its probably because he has to tune you out cause he cant keep up with you. lol.....I didnt know I was that bad, but I did notice I was cutting him off alot. lol...

He did get mad at me, for taking clomid and not telling anyone. He said, since I had an ectopic with being on clomid before, then I need to be extra careful being on it again. I mean, dont get me wrong....I thought about my risk. I would hate to have an ectopic and something really bad happen. We prayed about it and I thought this was the right thing.

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