Sunday, December 2, 2012

love this

I really just love God and how He just shows me and puts things in front of me when I need to hear and be reminded of things in my life.  I really, really don't understand how people go through this rough life without God.  I have been struggling with some of my feelings lately and have been yoyoing with my life, but friends, the holy spirit and things like this picture just show me and remind me that God knows and sees the bigger picture of my life.  I KNOW in my heart, way deep in there that Gods plan for my life is going to be so wonderful.  Even though I cant see it, even though I don't know when or where or why or how or anything like that, I have to have faith.  There are times, that I just want to throw my hands up in the air and give up, but I know I cant.  I know my destination isn't far and even though I cant see it yet, I know its there.

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