Sunday, December 16, 2012

New(er) oven

On Thanksgiving my element in my oven fused together and somehow broke, but the bad thing about it was it wouldn't go off.  So my friends dad cut the power off of it and I have been without an oven since then.  I didn't realize how much I used it and in fact when I went to the grocery store last time, I wanted to buy stuff that would consist of cooking in the oven and didn't buy it.  So since then, his friend had said to go down to habitat and that there was a newer oven for like $200.00.  My friends dad went and found one and measured it and said it might fit.  I went later and looked at it and at first my initial reaction was like....nooooooo, I don't like it.  I literally stood there for 15 minutes staring at it and it grew on me.  I took a few pics and even sent them to some of my friends and they told me it looked old.  Well, the oven I had, I have been told was from the 1960's, so I think anything a little newer is better.  The positive thing about this oven was that it was $65.00. 

I went and talked to the people at the store and I asked if I could put it on hold and think about it, plus my hours wouldn't let me handle it.  They said it was okay and a few days later the dad and myself measured my old oven and went down to the store and measured the newer oven and that day I bought it.  It was still a few days later until he could put it in and had to borrow a truck to put in it and haul it.  Well while I was at work Friday I got my oven put in.  I love it actually!!  Ive already cooked banana bread and some cookies (which I burnt cause I was cleaning and forgot). 

I bought some oven cleaner the other night and cleaned it real good.  Her dad also helped around my house like putting up some siding that had fallen and also a wire in my back yard that got really low.  I feel really blessed for him to help me out.  I know since I don't have a man capable of doing the handy work around here, God always sends someone perfect for the job.  God also blessed me with some funds to help out his family too.  It was just a circle of blessings from God. 

One day this past week I had went to Home Depot and was going to look at an oven and see how much it was and if they even had my size.  It was funny cause when my cousin was in town and we went up there to fix grandpas closet I had talked to a guy a couple of times.  He was up there and I went up to him to ask him about the oven and he asked me how the closet turned out.  I thought it was weird that he remembered from a few months ago, but he must have a good memory.  I ended up sitting there and talking to him for an hour and half about crazy stuff.  We talked about life, high school, marriage, super Nintendo, me getting new carpet, the end of times and how we both get gut bad feelings.  It was innocent talking, but it was weird.  Ive come to the conclusion that I can talk to anyone about anything.  Ive come out of my shell and enjoy getting to know people.  But anyways.....the new oven which I would have to of ordered was going to be $999.00 and the oven I got, was of course $65.00.  SEE!!!!  See how great God is.  How at this habitat place was an over PERFECT FIT for my home and it was cheap and newer and it all works!!!  I feel so blessed.

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