Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dr apt

I went to my Dr appointment on Tuesday and I was so nervous. I didn't know what to expect, but the good Lord had me at peace and still a positive attitude. The Dr came in and had this look on his face, that he was sorry. I said,"why you looking like that?" lol. He said, "because its a sad thing your going through". I didn't say anything. He was going off of my levels and explained to me what I could be going through. He didn't think I was having an ectopic because I wasn't having any pains and I wasn't a candidate for them. Also when he did the intro-sono, he said most women are very tender and its painful for them. He offered Mark and I to do tests to see why we keep having miscarriages and see if we have any chromosome issues, but Mark doesn't want too. The miscarriages are totally different and nothing the same. Ill explain....

I told the Dr I wanted an ultrasound to ease my mind. He said that's okay and we went and got one done. They didn't see anything, but a cyst on my left ovary and small fluid pocket and my uterus that looked nice and thick for a baby. I went and got my levels checked and it went up to 791. The Dr gave me 2 options.....1. to get a D&C or 2. To wait it out, get more blood work done on Thursday and go back and get another ultrasound on Wednesday. I chose to do option 2. I really don't want to have to get a D&C done.

So I came home kinda confused. So I'm numbers are going up...but there is no baby....and he doesn't think I have an ectopic. I got on cafemom and alot of women said they went through the same thing. That its most likely a blighted ovum, or they call it, an early miscarriage, where the baby didn't grow. I'm not 100% if this is what I have but, I'm leaning towards it, by what it says.

Then last night, I was cleaning, because I hadn't been doing anything because of being pregnant and taking it easy, and so I started to put up clothes and pick up stuff from our trip and I started cramping really bad, which was a mix with gas pains and then I started to bleed again. I'm still having pains and blood now, almost 24 hours later. I don't know if this is my body getting ready to miscarry or what.

Through out this whole thing, I am at peace. I have prayed and prayed for peace, because it took so long for us to get pregnant and we were getting so excited about it, to end like this. I have felt like God has told me, that this pregnancy had to happen for us to go on to have a healthy pregnancy. I sure hope that's right. We still desire a family and a baby and we want to start trying right away. I know God is in control and I know he has a plan for us. I want his will to be done.

I get more blood test done tomorrow, so we shall see what the numbers are.
My HCG levels have gone from 521-615-578-791. Please pray for us, to have peace and strength during this time. Its been hard for me and very painful, physically.

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