Monday, July 26, 2010


It starts tonight. I am teaching the Pre-school and Kindergarten class. Please Lord be with me. lol I know kids at that age arnt use to just sitting and trying to pay attention. I need to read them a story and then we can play!!! I went last night and decorated my room. It was a room that wasn't used so much, so there was some things in there that I had to hang up a cover and cover it up. I always say....if I won the big Lotto....I would update our church. It has the old brown deco, and It just needs to be updated with new floors and wall color and maybe even the pues. The classrooms need to be updated, and I would love to add on to the kitchen area and the fellowship hall. I was looking yesterday in church and we don't have any windows in there. I asked someone awhile back why they didn't put any in when they built it. They told me, because it was in a neighborhood and they were worried about kids or people breaking the windows. So yesterday, it dawned on me......SKYLIGHTS!!!! lol. I love natural lighting and I know it would look awesome. Maybe one day, if God wants us to come into alot of money, I know I would love to redo and upgrade the church and I would like to help out the school that I work at. We need alot of sports equipment and some new art supplies and it wouldn't hurt to just upgrade on computers and maybe get some land to build a tennis court or something. I have thought about it and all this money would be going to the Lord and doing his will. I would love to help build his kingdom, that more people can grow and to know Christ. I know I can do it now without the money, but its just a thought :)

So tonight is the first big night of teaching these kiddos. I did VBS a couple of years ago, but helped last year. They are expecting alot of kids, and that's why I was put in a different room. The other room wasn't big enough. But its okay....I got more decorations to fulfill it. I'm going to take some pics today and will post soon!!

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great! I would have came and helped ya but I just cant this time. Maybe next year, and Im sure your room is fly iii!
