Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 days

So I havent posted in the past 3 days. I will update you on whats been happening.

Monday was Marks 25th birthday. He had to work the night before and that night, so he woke up around 12 and I took him out to eat at Carinos. Then I took him to the hospital to get his nasty glow drink that he had to take on Wednesday and then I dropped him off at home. I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day. So, I went to work and we had parent/teacher meetings and school board meeting. I was so tired that I was falling asleep at the meeting. I came home, got on the comp for like 30 minutes and then went to bed at 9pm. I woke up on Tuesday and Mark never made it home. I usually see him for a few minutes before I head to work, but for some stupid reason, they were doing some random check and he had to stand in line for over an hour just so he could leave. Making everyone take off their boots and making sure they wernt carrying anything. The sad part is, he didn't get paid for that and also, he was so cold he got a cramp in his leg that is still hurting him. So I didn't get to see him until I got home, and then we went and got him a cake since he didn't have one for his birthday. He wanted to try the one at Dairy Queen, the ice cream ones, I SO DON'T recommend those. It was disgusting. But mind you, I don't like cake anyways, but this was just horrible. But anyways, he kinda had a sucky birthday, but I guess when you get older they cant be all fun and games. We are thinking about doing something this weekend, maybe go to the casino or something. We were thinking about going to Dallas, but we really don't have the time or money right now for that. Then today we didn't do much. Went and weighed in at the Y and went out to eat and to a couple of stores. OH....Mark had to get a CT scan done this morning of his abdomen, because they found a mass on his liver and they want to make sure its not cancer or anything. So the Dr calls around noon and tells Mark that they Radiologists wants him to get an MRI done. Mark told me, that the Dr said they couldn't see anything on that scan. So I don't know if that's good or bad. I mean, if you don't see anything, then that's good right? I pray that its nothing....nothing at all, and if it is something, then its something that is harmless. I love Mark so much, and I watched my mom suffer for so many years and I can imagine watching another loved one go through that. It is pure torture. That alone is a big fear of mine. So with all of this going on, I am still encouraging Mark to get his semen analysis. My AF is officially over and I really would love to have a baby this month. I calculated from the last of my period and if I got pregnant, my due date would be October 15th.....I love that!!!! That would be the ideal for me. But this is Gods time, not mine. I would love to have another October baby and maybe she would come on 10-10-10. I just want a baby so bad. I just picture me with everything. A baby, crib, diaper bag, car seat....everything. I am more than ready now than ever. I TRULY am ready.

I want to thank Tina and Rebecca for being there for me during all of this. It means alot to me. For me to have 2 close friends that I can go too, anytime to talk too. I cant express how that touches me and makes me happy and grateful to have friends like you two.

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