Saturday, January 16, 2010

Apps on Facebook

You know I have been thinking about, all the time I spend on these games on the computer. I'm starting to see how sad it is to base your life on this apps. Like, oh my "blank" is done so I need to go do it before it ruins. I mean, is this what my life has come too? Do I not have anything more important to think about or do? I heard someone ask..."If you knew in a week you were going to die, would the time your spending be the same or would it change?"

I know my time would change, my life shouldn't and isn't based on these apps, so why do they take up so much of my time? Couldn't I be out there helping someone else, or helping leading someone towards the Lord, or maybe doing the Lords work. But then I think.....What I'm doing, isn't hurting anyone and I'm not doing anything illegal. I'm just spending my time, entertaining myself, just as if I would watch TV or play video games. It just reminds me, of how important a baby is. I would love to have a baby and spend all my time, playing, and kissing and cuddling up with them. To see life in someone you love and created, these games would just be simply silly.

Eated It Lately, and I ADMIT!!! I'm guilty!!! This week has been horrible for me. I think we went out and ate or gotten something to eat, every single day this week. That is horrible....we don't have the money for it and we don't need to be eating like that. And now.....I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!! I mean, I really do. Mark hooked up the PlayStation in the nursery and I'm going to start doing my biggest loser exercise DVD that I bought at Sam's this week. Its like a 6 week challenge and that's what I need. I always think when you start a diet its forever and everything that you are used to is thrown out the window. I know its a life change, but I know if I just get more active and keep stretching and moving around more, then I will feel better. I love to eat healthy things, but sometimes I crave the bad, greasy foods, and for some reason that was everyday this week. Its just horrible!!! But yep.....I'm going to "try" and see how I do and try and keep it up.

Another thing, this week, I have been MOODY. I mean far out moody. I get mad on the drop of a dime and yell. And little things just get to me. I have snapped at Mark so bad last night, when he was trying to sleep. I felt bad....and also that day at work was horrible, and it keeps bothering me. I have to see this man, and this woman and I don't know what I want to do. Set it straight and stand up for myself, or just lay it be. I know the time will come and I will do whatever I feel is necessary, but I hope they don't pick a day I'm grouchy. I don't like being grouchy. I'm thinking I feel this way because of the way I have been eating lately. I know it can have an impact on it. But I'm tired of it, and I want to be healthier and feel better, instead of a slob!!!

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