Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So this morning I woke up feeling like crap. I think its official that I am coming down with something and I guess the weekend I was just feeling all the pre-symptoms. I know there is alot going around and a bunch of the kids, I would say half of the school, has something. I always catch something, which I don't understand why I do. I guess I have a poor immune system or something, because I have been taking my pro-biotics. They help kill the bad germs. Who knows....

I also feel like I have so much to do. There is alot coming up and alot to do and get ready for, that I'm feeling overwhelmed. Usually by now, I would have all my bills set and ready for the next month, but I haven't even touched them. I don't know when I'm going to get to it. I hope soon!! This Friday, I am going to try and get my hair done. I haven't gotten it cut or anything since August....its about time, lol. Also, my grandpa has a massage set up Friday too. Next Wednesday my grandpa has a Dr appointment and then the 13th, (I think) is my woman yearly exam. I do get to see my GYN....last year I had his practitioner. I wasn't to fond of her. Then we are going to go out of town one of these weekends coming up. I'm excited for that. I love going to San Antonio and doing fun activities down there. Its good to get out of town and spend time with the in-laws and of course me and Mark plan our own things to do. We are going to be gone for 4 or 5 days and its good to stay with the in-laws for free board room, lol. His dad would get mad if we went anywhere else. Marks brother invited us over to his house, but he told him, thanks, but my dad likes us to stay there. Which its good too. We stay in Marks old room and he loves his old bed. I'm used to the house too and know my way around. His dad is a good dad and a very protective dad. I love to go shopping by myself in SA and his dad hates it, lol. I know my way around, since I have been so many times and Mark hates to go shopping and they have all the good stores there right by his dads house. So, I'm hoping to do it again!!!

Then in March, I am most likely going to Dallas for a Senior Trip with my work. It'll be about 3 or 4 days and we will be staying in a fancy hotel downtown and then we are going to have a limo and going to eat at fancy restaurants. They are basically doing the same thing I did my senior year, lol. These kids are different then me and my friend when we went. Me and my friend were chill and relax and more grown up. These kiddos want to go to the mall and shop. Shopping I don't mind, mall I hate. But its their senior year, so Ill try and not complain to much, lol. But me and my friend took trips out of town when we were 16....these girls, I don't think have been away from the parents for a long period of time and they are 18 and 19. Its just crazy to me. But we are all different.

I kinda seem mean and negative on this post huh????...................hmmm..............its probably my grouchy sick self. I feel like crap. I hope I get better soon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have had a cold for 4-5 days now...it seems to be ending though thank goodness...this time of year is bad for colds...I hope you feel better soon!!!
