Saturday, January 2, 2010

The nursery

So as the before post, I bought this shelf that I was going to put in our nursery. But the nursery had all of our Christmas decorations and tubs in and also a spare twin bed that we used for company. The bed was only supposed to be there for the weekend but a year and a half later it was removed. My friend and buddy Rebecca came over and helped me carry everything out. There was so much stuff, oh and she helped take down the tree. She was so much of a help and I appreciated her help so much!! So for her helping me, we are going to have pizza and a movie night at my house. I cant wait, I know its going to be fun.Who knows....maybe we can watch it in the nursery.

But anyways, I got off track, so we cleaned out everything from the nursery and I cleaned it up and rearranged it tonight. Rebecca helped me carry in the changing table that I had out in the garage, and we also carried in the new shelf. I posted some pics and I was going to post a video but for some reason its not loading. I know there is so much stuff I still need, but I guess thats what a baby shower is for. I just cant wait to have a little one!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love it, I really do!! That is beautiful!! And yes the list of things that your gonna need is like a non stop list, right when you think you have it all, you reliaze you need something else. I am here for ya though, I will get you lots of stuff!! I shop used though, so I hope that will be ok! But I really like the nursery, I think you did a great job with it. Now I just got to wait until you post the pics of the nursery with YOUR BABY IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
