Monday, January 11, 2010

Im stuck

I feel like I cant move on. I think about my friends who are pregnant or has had their baby and what they wanted so bad, they got. They are moving on with their lives and their new bundle of joy. They are blessed and now is moving on with the good things a baby brings. Their first walks, their first crawls, their first poops, their first everything and then it will be their first day of school, their first b/f or g/f. I feel like, right now all I'm doing is waiting on my BFP. I am....theres nothing to get around it. But I feel like I'm stuck. I feel like the years and days are going by and I'm just sitting here watching the world go by while I wait. I see more and more women and girls getting pregnant and I'm just watching them get pregnant, go through each trimester and then finally having their baby. I watch them grow through it all, being a cheerleader for them while they are in the game. I want to be in the game. My dreams are so strong for a little one, I want to give my all for a little one. They will be my focus on in life and making sure they are being raised to glorify the Lord. I feel like I'm done with everything that I want to do in life. I am ready to watch my baby experience new things and see their expressions on their face as they learn and see things for the first time. Today wasn't a good day for me. I have been feeling down. I learned today that my friend is pregnant. I am so happy for her. I really, truly am. I don't wish bad on anyone, and everyone who gets pregnant, I am really happy for them. I just wish I could go through a healthy pregnancy and be in the game too. A child is Gods blessings and I sure do hope he gives me one soon!!! I pray for God to give us a baby in HIS time. I say that alot, but its true. I don't want to lose another baby. I want to be able to have a full term healthy pregnancy and delivery. Please pray for me and my guidance in life!!


  1. Rachel, I am here for you, I hope that you know that. I might not be a big help to you but I want you to know that I really wish there was something that I was able to do to help you. You know what I would do if it were me, I would stop watching all these shows about pregnant women, and teen girls lol. I mean I know you like to watch them and all, but it seems like it is bringing you down. I know you dont care about anything I have to day about this, but maybe if you just find something to get your mind on then it wont be so bad while you are waiting. Also I wanted to tell you that just because all these people that you know or see that are having babies dont mean that that is what they wanted, or it is that good for them. Some may say it is, but that might not be their wish, they might have it bad. They might not be able to provide for them, or maybe they wasnt ready, or the baby might not have been planned. They might look at you and want what you have that you think is nothing. I do. I want a husband who will love me like Mark loves you. I want to have a car, and good credit. I want to be you sometimes. I have a child, but look at what else I dont have. I know that a baby is what you want, but just wait on the Lord to bless you with the most amazing blessing that could ever come your way. Dont worry about what everyone else is doing and having, that is not healthy. Rachel, what if you were to get pregnant tomorrow and you go on to have a healthy pregnancy and deleviry and ther is someone watching you saying why her, why cant it just be me?? There are a lot of people out there who are waiting just like you are. I know it doesnt help, but maybe you just needed to hear that. I dont always know what to say, but I just want you to know that I pray that you get to have a baby. I have noticed you being different this past week, I thought you were mad at me the whole time. I hated it. I didnt know why. Now I do. Dont be down Rachel, I know it is easier said than done, but the Lord WILL provide for you. I love you lots and I hope you feel better real soon. =)

  2. Rachel, I can only imagine this is very difficult for you. When I think about putting myself in your shoes I know it must be painful to watch us all get pregnant and have our babies. Just thinking about it makes me cry for you. I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better, but I know I cannot. I can only pray for you and Mark and be there for you as a friend. Just know I may be busier then I was, but I am ALWAYS here for you. You have been a great friend throughout everything, and I want to be the same for you. Let me know if I can do anything for you.I love you!
