Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Its here!!! Christmas is here and so is the snow!!! I always wanted a white Christmas and God has given that to me. He has blessed me with something that I have always wanted. My husband is also here when he should be at work. We knew that he was going to have to work on Christmas and then God had other plans. We are snowed in!!! The traffic all over and around us have been horrible. 4 Semis have tipped over causing road blockage and road closing. We have had our first blizzard. YES BLIZZARD!!! Who would of ever thought that Wichita Falls Texas would have a blizzard, but that's what we got. Some of my friends got stuck in it, we were blessed to stay home and enjoy it and play in it. I on the other hand had a blast!!! I will post pictures up soon, either on this blog or the other one. Christmas is in the morning and I cant wait what the good Lord has blessed us with under the tree. I want to remember what Christmas is really about.
As I think of a baby, I have been thinking alot of Jesus as a baby lately. For what Mary and Joseph had to go through and to think that they were poor and yet God took care of them. Its amazing how God gives us blessings. I feel like sometimes God just pours his blessings on us. We are always taken care of and always have more than what we need or deserve.
I am still hoping and praying and having faith as this year ends and another one begins that I can have a baby, let me correct myself...a healthy baby growing in my belly. I want to have 9 wonderful, stress free, healthy, awesome months and a wonderful labor, delivery. I know God has something special for us....I can feel it!!!
Leaving with that note......Merry Christmas everyone!!! I will post tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Im glad you and Mark and Bubba had a safe Christmas, so many others had such bad ones. I also cant wait for 2010 becos that is are yearrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
