Sunday, December 20, 2009

Whats in store for us?

So as this year ends and another begins, I have been thinking alot what 2010 will be in store for us. Honestly, in the past, I hate New Years. I don't like thinking that a year can make you devastated or be boring or be awesome. You can lose so much in a year and gain so much. But as it starts, I gradually get over it and take on the challenges.
I honestly thought that 2009 would of been the year that we would of became mother and father. But as its closing and I'm not pregnant or have a baby, I realize that wasn't what God had in store for us.
Do you ever get that feeling? A feeling like something good or bad will happen? Well I have that feeling, like I'm going to get pregnant soon. But I thought last December I was going to be pregnant too, and that didn't happen. Only God knows when we will get pregnant and have a baby.
My friend Tina had her baby this morning. Hes too cute!! He was a big baby weighing at 9 lbs and 4 oz. But the only thing that matters is if his momma and him are healthy and doing great!!! By what I read from her husbands updates (which there arnt enough Tina, hehe) they are doing awesome and loving Judah. I am so happy for them, and I think the day that I will get to experience what they are experiencing. I cant wait to hear her birth story and everything that happened and more pictures!!!
So whats in store for us in 2010? Only God knows!!! But I know he has given me this hearts desire for a family and a baby, and I know it comes from him, and he is just getting me ready and prepared. I also think he is teaching me patience through this whole ordeal.
I know being pregnant for 9 months can be stressful, especially if you lost babies already. But I know God will watch over us and keep us healthy. I think of the whole process and everything you need to do when your pregnant. All the Dr appointments, the blood test and all the other test, getting everything ready and prepared for the baby, the growing belly and the aches, the anticipation of the arrival of your bundle of joy. But I know in the end, it will be all worth it. I just know right now, I'm at the beginning of the starting line and I need to get to the finish. I have along ways ahead of me, but I know through faith, I can finish and be blessed!!!

1 comment:

  1. I get those feelings too, I know what you are talking about. I hope that this is your year to have a baby, I also hope it is the year I get a husband. =) Only God knows whats in store for us. Just keep up the faith that He will provide, and everything will be ok.
