Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolution

So I was sitting here, typing to my friend on her blog and realized, that I need a New Year Resolution. I mean, I guess you don't have to have one, but its good to have a goal to reach.
I think I'm going to have multiple ones. I'm going to list some that I want to do.

To have a healthy, beautiful baby and pregnancy

To appreciate Gods blessings more

To be a better wife, friend, person and grandchild

To help others know Christ

To not stress over my health and dieing all the time and just enjoy living

To lose some weight, that I may be healthier

To not judge

To not be selfish

To not be jealous

To be a happy person and smile more

To see Mark become a daddy

None of these are in order and I might add more later. These are things and issues that I struggle with or have the hearts desire for. In 2004, I had a resolution to stop drinking sodas and I haven't since. I am now going on 6 years of no sodas. That makes me feel strong and encourages me that any of the things listed above can and will happen!!!

God has blessed us through another year and I hope 2010 is full of blessings and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. I love that list of things! All of them are so reachable, and I know that you will make all them come true. As I type this R. Kelly's I believe I can fly is coming on saying, "if i can see it, then I can be it, if I just believe it, theres nothing to it, I believe I can fly", you can do all those things Rachel, and I know you will. I love how none of them have to do with money, or can be bought. You are such a good person Rachel. And about your resolutions remember, Philippians 4:13 =)
