Even though I have not met you, even though I havent held you, or even felt you move inside of me, my love for you is so strong.
You are someone that I have been wanting my whole life, someone I want to love and take care of and teach how amazing and wonderful our Lord is.
I want to be able to count your fingers and toes and kiss your cheeks and belly.
I want to hold you against my chest and rock you back and forth and sing too, till your sweet eyes close shut from this world.
I want to be able to look down at your sweet face and body and see which triats came from me and your daddy.
I want you to look at me with your big baby eyes and see your mother who loves you so much.
I want you to grab my finger with your 5 tiny precious fingers with all your might, knowing that I will always take care of you.
I want to smell the baby smell on your sweet head after giving you a bath.
I want your daddy to carry you in your car seat and me with your diaper bag as we go places as a family.
I want to hear your giggles.
I want to hear your coos.
I want to watch you sleep.
I want to make silly faces so I can see your gummy smile.
I want to see you learn.
I want to see you wiggle as you learn your hands and feet.
I want to change your diapers and make you feel nice and clean.
I want to love on you and be a proud mother to a wonderful, beautiful baby.
I want to be the best mother that I can be for a blessing from God.
I want to be your mother.

You can do all those things Rachel, and you are their mother. All those things will come true for you, and then you wont have to want to do them, you will be able to do them!!!