Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14:

 Day 14:  I am thankful for my mom.  I wasn't planned, I was more of a "oops".  My mom was a single parent and I know we must all say this about our parents, but I really had the best mom.  She sacrificed and focused everything on me growing up.  She also taught me to have morals and to put God first.  I really wouldn't be the woman I am today if I didn't have my mother and the advice she told me growing up.  My mom passed away 11 years ago this month, actually 11 days from today, when I was 16.  I get jealous sometimes when my friends have their mom and have someone to go too.  My mom was my best friend, I told her everything, even the bad and embarrassing things.  I knew she would love me no matter what and help me to fix whatever it was.  I always think what it would be like to just sit down and talk to my mother.  I wonder what advice she would tell me or words of encouragement she would say.  I always wonder what she would of done, if she lived through my cancer, my miscarriages, my divorce and also my infidelity.  I'm pretty sure my mom would of dragged me out by hair, even though I was a grown woman.  Or better yet......tell me shes disappointed in me.....that's always a killer!!!  

My mom was proud of me, she told me all the time.  I had a loving mother and a loving grandpa and even though its not the picture perfect family, I wouldn't change anything.  I have been blessed with many women who have came across my lifetime thus far and been a a role model of a mother to me.  I appreciate their time and energy and I am very grateful that they have done that, but theres nothing like a mother/daughter bond.  Its all okay momma is taking on her grandma duties in heaven and taking care of my babies!!!!  We will see each other one day!!

Day 13: I am thankful for my 3 babies in heaven. 

Day 12: I am thankful for everyone who has sacrificed themselves for our country. 

 Day 11:  I am thankful for rest.

 Day 10: I am thankful for memories, lessons, trials and my testimony in this life. 

Day 9: I am thankful for ex's.

 Day 8: I am thankful for my dog Coco Muffin Cake-a-roonie!!!!

Day 7: I am thankful for my jobs.

Day 6: I am thankful for my friends.

Day 5:  I am thankful for my health. 

Day 4: I am thankful for my home. 

Day 3: I am thankful for my finances.

Day 2:  I am thankful for Gods strength.

Day 1: I am thankful for my grandpa.

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