Sunday, November 4, 2012

My grandpas 83rd birthday (video)

I had to work on my grandpas birthday, but the weekend before my cousin and her boyfriend came into town.  My grandpas shelf in his closet and fallen and it held his clothes and what not, but I was working all during the week and was going to be off for a few days so I was just going to wait till then.  My cousin wanted to fix his closet though for his birthday so they went to Home Depot and got some stuff and started to work on it.  They got everything expect for one thing and ran out of town cause they live almost 3 hours away, so I just told them I would finish it up.  They had already started and done so much, so this just motivated me more to redo his room.

So the night before his birthday I went and got him a glidder with a help of my friend, cause it wouldnt of fit in my car.  She helped load it for me and also made banana pudding for my grandpa.  She really went out of her way for me and I do appreciaite it so much.  I had mentioned the banana pudding to her like a month ago and I totally forgot about it, but she remembered it. She spent her money and energy into it and I was grateful and took her to dinner the other night for thanks in return.

 Yes, I have to do the man who opens gifts when no one is there to watch and to start eating Thanksgiving dinner when no one is at the table, LOL

After going to the store, I came back and put the chair together by myself which I was proud about.  It wasnt hard at all, and it took me about 30 minutes.  I woke up extra early the next morning and sat on the couch and talking to my grandpa.  I waited till he needed to use the restroom and went and grabbed the new chair and moved the other one out.  I waited and then he came back in the living room and looks at the chair and goes....wheres my blanket?  LOL  He turns and looks towards the kitchen and the old chair is clearly there and he sees the blanket and says Oh, and then keeps walking towards the new chair.  He sits down and then notices its not his old chair. LOL   Oh my goodness Grandpa.  It was so funny.  I video taped him, but I need to figure out if I can upload it on here.   (so I figured it out and I sound horrible mind you, I just woke up and it was 6 in the  I just love my gramps!!!

I then cooked him some breakfast and got ready for work.  I went to work for a short day and then when we got off work, we went to get some of his favorite food.....Chinese!!!!  We got home, I took a nap, and then I sang him Happy Birthday and he blew out his candles.

The video is sideways, I dont know how to make it straight, lol

I love my grandpa so much.  I am so thankful and grateful to have him in my life.  Now that its just me and him, I love our relationship and how we depend on each other so much.  I feel very blessed to have him in my life and I cant wait to spend many more years with him.  I hope one day he can officially walk me down the aisle and help raise my babies!!! :)   He just has the magical touch with little kids.  They love him!!! :)  

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