Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Love (Jesus)

The picture is a picture that is in my bathroom. It is something that reminds me everyday that I am loved. I know when you go through a bad heartbreak or 2 in a year, that sometimes it feels like no one loves you. I know someone loves me, my grandpa does, my friends, but really its hard to grasp that kind of love. This song seems to come on everytime I turn on the radio, or is on, or it comes on. Its such a powerful song, if you really listen to the lyrics.

No matter what we do in this life, Gods love never fails. He knows what we are going to do before we know. Jesus came down to this earth to die for us, for our sins, cause of His LOVE. Jesus' love is a love like no other.  No human on this earth, child, spouse, parent can ever comprehend the love Jesus can give you. Humans will let you down, betray you, die, walk away, hurt you, but Gods love is everlasting, forever, promised, true and his mercy never ends. 

My favorite part of this song is when it says......"You make all things work together for my good." 
We wonder why things happen in our life, we wonder why the person we loved walks away or dies.  We wonder why loved ones get sick and die.  It seems like life isn't fair, but God never promised that it was or that it was going to be easy with no trouble, trials or heartaches.  God did promise that He would never leave or forsake you!!!!!  How amazing is that!!!!!!!  He is always there to carry you, if you let Him. 

"You stay the same through the ages".  Think about that for a second.  No matter what we go through, what we learn, each year that goes by, God never changes.  He stays the same, thinks the same, loves the same, blesses us the same......He doesn't get mad and throw a fit when we curse him or go against Him.  He doesn't turn his back when we stray from Him.  He is always there!!!! Hes always there for us to turn to Him, for us to surrender and ask to be forgiven and for Him to just pick us up and wipe away ever tear from our eyes.  There is no better Love then Jesus Christ.  For him to come to this earth, to die and carry each and every sin that I have ever made in my life, to die for me, so I could live eternally with Him.  I am forever grateful and I try and please my master everyday!!!  I hope everyone knows Jesus Christ's love.  There is a peace knowing Him and knowing that everything is going to be okay, because He is there.

Enjoy the song.........I hope it can touch your heart, like it has mine!!!

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