Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have been researching on how to get rid of my scarring on my face.  Of course there is the expensive Doctor treatments, but I wanted a natural cheap regimen.  So I have been researching on the Internet and I have came across Lemon Juice does it!!  At first I was thinking you rub a lemon on your face?  lol just get a cotton swab or Q-tip and rub it across the lemon onto your face for a few minutes and wash it off.

So last night I started doing just that.  I got a lemon, cut it in half, got a Q-tip and rubbed it across the lemon and put in on my jaw line.  While that was drying, I used my hydrogen peroxide to wash out my mouth and brush my teeth.  Then I rinsed if off and proceeded to wash my face with my normal stuff.  I'm hoping that it wont break me out and if it does then I will discontinue using it.  I also used on my face this morning. 

The purpose of why a lemon will fade scarring is like when you put lemon juice in your hair in the summer time to lighten it. Lemons, as with other citrus fruits, contain alpha hydroxy acids, which have healing properties for your skin. The AHA in lemon juice removes dead skin cells, helps new cells grow, and gives skin some of its elasticity back. Lemon juice is often described as a natural bleach, so it is not surprising that it may lighten scars.

I'm going to see after a few weeks if I notice a difference.  I thought about doing a weekly photo, but usually I always have my makeup on when I write the blogs and I usually wash my face right before I go to sleep.  So Ill just try and update to see if its working or if it breaks me out.

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