Friday, November 9, 2012

While I'm waiting

I lied....I said I was going to bed and then I remembered something I wanted to write about.  I was done with the other post so there was no point in me adding to that one, but this needs to be its own blog anyways. 

So if you know the song, "While I'm waiting", by John Waller, its such a good song.  I remember the first time I heard the song, Mark and I was watching Fireproof and it got the song kinda at the end of the movie and I remember Mark got up to use the restroom.  I was listening to the song and it was everything I was feeling with trying for a baby.  I didn't understood why we hadn't gotten pregnant yet.  It was in January of 2008 and 2 months later is when I got pregnant.  I knew I had to be patient and wait.  I knew that I was putting a baby and trying for a baby before God.  It was all I thought about it, it consumed me and I remember one Sunday, the preacher talked about how if you put anything or all your focus in front of praising God, then its a sin.  He didn't use it in those words, but it was basically the same thing.  I remember thinking that I was putting my focus on a baby before God and not giving God my attention and trust.  I was putting my trust and focus on me being able to get myself pregnant.  I went about it all the wrong way.

Here I husband, 3 babies in heaven and starting over at 27.  This song touches me in a whole different light and it really helps keep me focused on God.  Life can be so distracting and sometimes we get in an everyday routine that slowly pulls us away and our focus on God.  I have been trying my hardest to keep my focus on Him and praise Him while I wait on what He wants in my life.  I read this tonight that goes with this......."Praying for Gods will to be accomplished in your life is not a way of resigning yourself to something small.  This is how He saves you from your own smallness".  Think about that statement for a minute.....go ahead, reread it.  Can you imagine what you think is best for you and what God KNOWS is best for you?  He can see the whole picture already, the puzzle to your life is already done.  Don't get stuck on trying to find that perfect puzzle piece.  Let God make your puzzle come together, because you know why?  He has the glue!!!!! He has the glue that will make it stick and you will be at peace with your life.  He has something HUGE for everyone in their lives if they let Him and trust Him that he will give them a peaceful life.  It doesn't mean there wont be heartache. God never promises us no pain in this life, but problems and heartaches are so much better when you have God comforting you and helping you and carrying you through the storm.

While Im waiting

Just stop and listen to the words.  You are sacrificing and trusting God that no matter where you are at in your life right now, that if you give it all to God and keep your trust and faith that he will bring you to something wonderful.  You will see at the end that trusting God was all worth it.  The song says, "its not easy" and you know what?  God knows that.....He knows your heart and the struggles you face and He wants you to trust in Him.  What if God promised something wonderful for your life, but all you had to do was wait on Him and His time??????  Would you do it?  Or would you do what you wanted to do for temporary satisfaction????  Like, really think about it?????? Well, God has promised me something, He has told me to wait and I know that's what I'm going to do.  I have no clue when or where or why, but I can only picture God getting His plan all ready for that other person of mine and me to meet and fall in love when our hearts are strong and ready waiting on the Lord.  

I hope this song helps or motivates someone wherever they are in their life right now, that surrendering and following Gods plan for your life will lead you to a peaceful, happy life.  Most of the struggles we face in our life is the choices we make.  I try and pray before any choice I make that it will be Gods plan and that He will give me peace about it.  If I have doubt, then I know its not from God. 

So  my beautiful friends, give your burdens and troubles over to the Lord.  He loves you, he wants you to talk to Him and cry out to Him.  To feel his big arms around you in a sad or hard time is the most comforting, best feeling in the world.  Talk to God like He is in front of you, because you know why??? HE IS!!!!! :)    I love you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Even though what has happened in the past is not something anyone chooses or wants, it has shaped you to be the woman you are today. You are such an inspiration and God is using you to help others who need support and encouragement in their situation. I am so proud of you. Love you :)
